[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=97e23b]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/GxId9ub.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Kitchen House -> Outside Kitchen House [b]Skills:[/b]N/a[/center][hr] Bart frowned, but acquiesced, saying "[color=97e23b]Alright, sure, we'll go to the grave.[/color]" He was surprised to see Andromeda walk off at the first sign of disagreement. He guessed she had her own goals, which was fine, but if she had stayed a bit longer they would've all gone together. He smiled at Faith's reason for wanting to go with him, "[color=97e23b]Consider getting on better terms with the others though, we'll all need to have each others backs eventually.[/color]" He suggested. He couldn't blame her for wanting to work with him though, with the amount of training they did together, they were probably the best pair of Paradoxes on the camp right now. He started the way out of the Kitchen House, and headed down the road on the way to the Barn. The presence of the Carney's had put him off, for two main reasons. For one, though the Emendators seemed very knowledgeable, this seemed to be a gap in what they knew about the world. For all their knowledge of different words and timelines, this caught them off guard. The second cause for worry followed from the first; To him, the existence of Emendators was akin to meeting gods. It shook up his worldview so thoroughly, and was incompatible with his previous understanding of how things worked. What if this was another step up in the multiversal hierarchy? He'd heard the name "Management" tossed around, so maybe that's exactly what this was. It would certainly explain how they managed to enter the timeloop. Granted, this was all conjecture, but it was food for thought.