[quote=@Abillioncats] "Nya?" Jade stopped in her tracks, looking at Emma. "Let's see here...I like sweet things, like candy...but I also like savory stuff like fish..." [/quote] [hider=Emma] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/6a735e13-5cad-425e-bc73-008277778211/dcy6pmq-71cb6cb3-ca8a-4613-8ed4-35892191bc4a.png[/img] [/hider] Emma's reactions were nowhere near as fast as Jades, so as the catgirl came to a dead stop Emma kind of ran into her, stumbling backwards. [color=ec008c]"Ow...Sorry, are you ok?"[/color]