Genie Log # Four|| March September Six || 2:00 pm [i][indent]I Just finished fixing up some of the stuff in the basement. As of right now I’ve fixed the facilities basic functions the next task is to get the security robots and the sparring dummies back in action. Overall I’ve actually been doing quite well since I’m doing the fixing up of the place by myself. The guys wanted to help, but since their level of machinery is only at level 4, which is pretty high since we’re academy students, but doing it by myself would be much faster, plus I’m the one with all the tools and money for the fixing the place. They still help round when they can though, but since I’m the only who’s here every day and night I get to do more. We’ve been doing the whole superhero team for about a week now and so far things are going okay. No one’s died or has gotten injured yet which is a good sign. There was that whole thing four days ago, but that turned out pretty well enough. For the purposes of keeping logs I have to actually write it though. It was pretty late, around ten, when we got the info that some thieves were robbing a jewelry store. Naturally, everyone went to that location to stop them. When they got the police was nowhere in sight which was expected. The info we got was wrong and instead of three normal human thieves, we found six metahuman thugs with enhanced strength, but nothing stronger than John. It was going well until the van they were using to escape exploded thanks to Lilith, knocking out three of the thieves, but the debris pierced her side. This made Nikki and Seb a little too angry so I had to “advise” to them that they bring him back here so we can treat him or he bleeds out. They did and which left Naomi and John to deal with those guys by themselves. Nikki and Seb got here with time to spare which was great because it allowed me to get the medbay ready. According to the computer, Lilith was doing okay internally and we only needed to patch him up to stop the bleeding. All in all it ended okay. Lilith knocked most of the enemies down, Naomi and John beat up the thieves and alerted the police after they left, Seb with his enhanced strength carried Lilith away, and Nikki with her knowledge of spiders stitched up Lilith. The only one who crapped up was me since I was the one who gave them the wrong information. Honestly all of this is my fault. That’s about it for this log. It’s almost three now and classes should be over soon. I should really stop cutting class, but I have to be better so there’s no helping it, plus it’s not like I can’t just go in there and change my grades. LOL[/indent][/i] Farah head was lying on top of the digital keyboard. The screen from the computer was lighting her body like a blanket. There were bags under her eyes. One of her hands was resting on top of the computer interface. People who didn’t know her abilities would never figure that she was fixing the computer’s mainframe, trying to figure out who owned it, and organizing files, all while keeping an eye on the news for anything important. So far it’s been quiet, well it was always quiet in the basement since it’s technically a cave, but news wise it was quiet. The super’s were doing their normal day-to-day routine and there was nothing too important or relevant to notify the team now. "Not like they can do anything about it" Farah told herself. At the moment she was skipping class altogether while they were in the Academy. With the school's security they wouldn't be able to skip class or just waltz out there without anyone noticing. The whole "I'm sick can I go to the nurse's office plea while they sneak off" technique was such a cliche and stupid trope. Plus school was about to go out anyway and once they were alone in the detention room again they could get to the Basement by moving that panel behind the grandfather clock. The best thing about being in detention was that no one was guarding them in the room, the door was time locked to completely isolate those in detention, and no one came down to the lowest levels of the school to check up on them. Sighing, stretching, and standing up at the same time Farah headed to the galley to get some coffee. “Thank god I fixed that coffee machine working”. She said to herself without noticing that a small alert popped up in the monitor. By the time that Farah was already drinking her coffee and eating a powdered donut there were more alerts about an incident involving a building being taken hostage by a group of terrorist. On the corner, though there was a smaller alert message. The smaller one was different because it was about three escaped prisoners.