[@Lotrix Molick] Cassidy sat listening to the woman as she went on about the inhumanity that was on full display at the facility. She saw the woman pawing at her gun. She grunted before unholstering her own pistol and sliding it across the table towards Lin "Why the hell can nobody have a conversation unless one of them has a gun in their hands?" She sighed before taking another puff of her cigarette. The rancid fumes now permeating the room and making visible some of the beams of light from the fixtures. "Tell whoever the hell you like about what happened there. Nobody will believe you and whoever does will either not care or lack any real power to stop them." She then took another long drag before stubbing the rest of the cigarette out. "Which is why i'm going to tell you that it was me who allowed Crimson access to the facility. I won't give you the gory details, partially because i don't want to, but mainly because I know that Crimson has a flair for the dramatic, if he took you there then you will no doubt meet again and he'll want to tell you himself. God know's he deserves that much. But let's just say that it wasn't the first time that he was there." She then got up and stretched her back. "Black division is the Federations special research bureau. Gundams, Cyber-Newtypes, Mobile Armours, Psycommu, all products by Black Division. I assume you are familiar with the Murasame Institute and their development of Cyber-Newtypes, as well as the early prototype Cyber-Newtypes and their notorious mental instability? Eventually we learned to turn regular people into stable newtypes. Not as powerful as natural-born Newtypes, but still far superior to the typical Earthnoid. Those children you met were natural-born Newtypes that Black Division have been trying to push the abilities of beyond known limits. To make another Amuro Ray, Kamille Bidan, Banagher Links... They were prototypes. Black Division was going to have them terminated after their experiments concluded. I wasn't prepared to let that happen. I realize that i have probably only traded a peaceful euthanasia for a fiery inferno in a Mobile Suit cockpit." She groaned. "But my hope is that Crimson has at least enough compassion to allow them some level of autonomy." She then sat down again. [i]Is it crueler to give them a taste of normality only to take it away?[/i] she thought. "Did he ask about me?" she asked.