[h1][b][i][color=orange][center]Michelle "Shelly" Diggby[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lli948Q1Ft1qzplijo1_500.gif[/img] [color=orange][b]Location[/b][/color]: Formal Sitting Room [color=orange][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A [/center][hr] Shelly smiled her naughty smile, some good natured ribbing had made her almost forget she was in permenant mutie group therapy. It was hard not to smile, the giggles of the fairy girl were infectious like a baby's and a game at Serious Sibling's expense was afoot. Its was hard not be naughty, it was just her nature. Michelle sat forward, her eyes lit up dangerously. [color=cyan]"I love cats,"[/color] [color=orange][i]Puke. She started so strong too.[/i][/color] Shelly chalked it up to having less interest in a man almost twice their age than her Powerpuff Pals, which was more than understandable. Shelly wondered if it was too early to pre-judge her as a "one of them" and maybe in a more controlled environment would demonstrate her more respectable side, [color=orange][i]it wasn't really though was it?[/i][/color] Despite exposing her true colours, Shelly still reckoned the "fat ass" angle might have potential. The game was still on. [color=0072bc]"...Yeah, come on Annie, let's go to the kitchen,"[/color] He looked genuinely saddened by the idea these two happy children only arrived in mutie heaven on Earth because of a card game, which was perplexing. Michelle contorted her facial features into one that better telegraphed that it was just a joke, but the magic was already gone, the tension was slaughtered and the opportunity: lost. That boy was WAY too sensitive or WAY too dumb, and to think he held a shaky finger on an unspecified armageddon button. Man alive. Michelle slumped back in her armchair, retreating deep into her hoodie, and before she'd even realised it, she was back to stress squeezing her face, double knuckles to cheeks, which emphasised her already ludicrous pout. It was going to take a tremendous faux pas from Grim Kin to return to regular play. The giggling had become one of those irritating, itchy infections, or maybe that was the feline presence, and Shelly only held back from intervening because she admittedly was powerless to stop them and it would only make her a target of hijinxs, which she really did not want. Much to her surprise however, the fairy twins could be controlled. Bribery, Shelly commited to memory. The new guest was pretty cute and her ability to end the ear torture certainly improved Shelly's opinion of her. It came as quite a shock then when one of the cats morphed back into a human and attempted to whisk the ginger away. She didn't know her from Eve but the catgirl gave off wicked typical bad mutie vibes and the brother was just not bothered, if anything he supported this behaviour. Maybe that was harsh, he didn't condemn this behaviour. Michelle rocked forward, returning to being poised on the edge of the seat, a hand wrapped around the arm to help her spring out if need be. Shelly wanted clarity, she did not want to have to break up a teenage mutie hero scuffle, and decided to inquire politely. [color=orange][b]"OI!"[/b][/color] Miss Diggby scolded Richard with before she really knew where she was going with this,[color=orange]"start tutoring and tell your feral sister 'paws off' before I get hose."[/color]