[@soph] I probably have a good idea why. But I don't want to assume, and it's good to know you're understanding. I'll be honest, as someone who has Autism and suffers from depression, my biggest fear is my curiosity and questions burdening others Me and my Hubby talked about it a few times and he tells me I shouldn't worry as much. I've always tried my best to keep my inquisitive side to a minimum because I look at today, yesterday, and the DM's of trying to interact with everyone as... "I fear I am coming off as annoying when I am trying to be friendly. But Ben always tells me the following when I do not get something: "People who truly believe in tolerance will understand if you are not fully onboard with something or truly if you are fully not capable of being able to understand something, because if they reduce you to that, they are reducing themselves as a quality of person. Just because you may not agree or understand, isn't the same as decrying them or telling them they are wrong or do not exist because of an idea. If they treat you less than a person because you don't get something, than who is really being oppressive and dehumanizing?" Edit: Either way, I really hope I didn't make anyone feel uncomfortable here. Or give anyone a hard time. It is never my intention.