[center][h2]PROLOGUE[/h2][/center] [center]~ [@A Lowly Wretch] [@ShwiggityShwah] [@Veradana] [@Eisenhorn] [@DocROck] [@Letter Bee] [@Chiro] ~[/center] [u]Pox[/u], [u]Lashiel[/u], [u]Ashton[/u], [u]Flame[/u], [u]River[/u], [u]Nale[/u] and [u]Gangraena[/u] battled the dark-filled guards in their own ways. In a matter of seconds, the revolt had the upper hand and the guards were left in tatters, helpless against the powers of the prisoner heroes. Kedvin produced a single key, also seemingly made up from multiple materials, and used it to unlock the cuffs on him. He then goes over to the two prisoners who started the revolt with him and also freed them from their shackles. It appeared he had made some sort of skeleton key that worked on all of the steel cuffs. Or perhaps there was simply one key design for all the cuffs. He then went over to those who joined him in the revolt, unlocking their cuffs and allowing them full movement to continue the fight and revolt without hindrance. [quote=Christian Selphia][i]"Mind filling me in on why you're looking so pale? Seen this before?"[/i][/quote] The other prisoners, now huddled closely under the tables, only stared at [u]Chris[/u] with fear-filled eyes. Before anything else could happen, the doors into the mess hall swing open and caught everyone's attention. Into the mess hall formed an army of guards. Once they were assembled, a figure walked to the center, a figure who stood out from the rest. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/rysesonofrome/images/5/5b/Commodus1234.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140207160831]He was leaner than the guards but still appeared strong, gold painted most of his armor save for the sash and the mane on his helmet which were purple[/url]. "[color=khaki]What's going on here?[/color]" He asked in an annoyed tone. The Adonis-built prisoner charged the golden man but the latter unsheathed a normal-looking sword and with one quick dash with sword at the fore, the prisoner was instantly bisected, his two separated parts falling to the floor. With that, the guards behind the golden man charged and the remaining two of Kedvin's company charged as well. "Damn it! The cav's 'ere!" Kedvin cursed as he finished freeing the last of the prisoner heroes. "We'll probably die but we'll die tryin'! Am I right?!" He told [u]Gangraena[/u] as he joined the fight. Kedvin's company were quickly and promptly overwhelmed by the guard army. The black-haired prisoner had his face bashed in by the steel rods of the guards while the other had his arms torn off from his body and left for dead. Kedvin himself fought bravely and valiantly but with one, mailed punch to his face, he was sent to the floor where the guards immediately surrounded him and started beating the life out of him. The rest of the guards went for the prisoner heroes. Their numbers were beyond count and more poured in from the entrances. The golden man stood at the back and watched the scene unfold. He appeared vulnerable. Appeared.