Name: Loki Braddock Age: 17 Clone of: Loki Nickname: Puck Powers: Telekinis- but only within the room she is in. If she is outside it's about a 15 foot cube. Teleportation- She is still experaminting with this power herself but so for it seems she can teleport to a location that is up to a mile away or if she has been there before. She doesn't know it yet but she can teleport between worlds. She is a sorceress. She has superhuman strength- she could lift up a car off herself but not throw it in the air. Superhuman speed- not quicksilver but more like some depictions of vampires. Superhuman reflexes and aglity- sort of self explanatory. She can shapeshift- but for now she cant copy the form of another person and with animals they look a bit...wrong. Like the eyes always remain hers or the fur is the color of her hair. Healing factor- not like deadpool or wolverine, more like she is super durable and has extensive stamina. She could survive being tossed around by the hulk. All-speak. She has immunity to almost all forms of mind control or hypnosis. She is immune to cold- her frost giant genetics. Projection- so far she can only project images of herself and small objects but she cant make them move. She is working on it. Skills: She possess a genius level intalect, however rather than math and science, although she does rather enjoy physics and astronomy, she finds she is best suited to anthropology and psychology. Perhaps because her adoptive mother is an empath. She also has an astounding talent for dance and movement and a secret passion for Shakespeare. She loves to play pranks. Bio: She is very close with her mother and a constant worry for her father. She first showed her magic abilities as a baby but they were mostly things like conjuring butterflies or moving her toys closer to her. The day before her first birthday she teleported herself into the tree outside her bedroom window and sent her parents into a panic. She, however, found the whole thing hilarious. Things in her life were fairly uneventful until middle school when the school put on a production of Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream and she was cast as Puck. It was such a nature fit for the gifted young prankster that it became her nickname. She is often in trouble at school because it bores her but she us really very studious when it comes to subjects that suit her. As she entered puberty she withdrew more from the community and spent more time with her magic and a black stray cat she adopted and named Frigga.