[center]Legacy, the first superhero and some say the progenitor of all that came later, has been killed. The... thing that killed him has been wreaking nonstop devastation taking out all that try to stand in its way. Entire cities are left ruined in the wake of its devastation before it blends seamlessly into the fleeing refugees only to reappear for more carnage. In the wake of this chaos a hero strives to fill the void needed by the world.[/center] This would be a bit of a longform superhero themed RP. It would deal heavily with weakness, struggle, and growth. Whatever character you create will lose, possibly a lot. We can iron out the exact dynamics between us as we play but I'm thinking of taking a more narrative role with a character or two that is more involved with yours directly. Please PM me if interested. There is a whole metaplot going on but for the most part your character has to decipher things themselves organically. With this kind of power-driven society there is a fair amount of guarded secrecy. However it is only fair you know of the powers themselves. Essentially you are either born with them or you're not, they manifest around puberty and come with an instinctual understanding of not only how they work but also how they break. Each power comes with a method of breaking them, going beyond a fundamental limitation at the cost of it being forever locked away from you. It's important to note that breaking the power is not a sacrifice to be taken lightly and doesn't grant anything other than regular use of the power in alternate ways. Here are some examples: [Hider=Example 1]Telekinesis that is unable to affect living material, Breaking this power enables it to be used on organic matter but at no greater strength than usual. The moment conscious use of the power stopped the user would never again be able to access it.[/Hider] [Hider=Example 2]Super strength that is modular but has a cooldown, it can be used for an indefinite period of time at varying intensities however, once usage stops, is inaccessible for a correlating period of time. Breaking this power would involve using it during that period and once conscious use stopped the user would never be able to access it.[/Hider] [Hider=Example 3]Transformation and passive powers work a little differently. Breaking them often comes at the expense of ones humanity, for example someone possessing reptilian traits would persistently appear to be mostly humanoid albiet with enhanced qualities. Breaking the power would involve enhancement of those qualities and loss of the individual.[/Hider] Narratively there is no unlocking inner strength or true power. The innate knowledge of ones limitations is consist with reality and it doesn't change according to the situation. To survive it takes ingenuity and dedication. Because I'm edgy that way. Hope to hear from someone soon!