[@EldarionI] well I’m still working on it but the gist is: • Each character can equip a primary and secondary weapon, armour, a non-flying mount/vehicle, two equipment pieces and then a unique item. • In theory you can have as many items as you wish but can only every equip one for each slot. • Each character is allowed 2 rare and 1 unique item, everything else must be a standard item. Players will acquire more as we go. • A standard item is your usual basic video game weapons and attire e.g. M4, Katana, Plate Armour, Flashbang etc. If anyone has trouble with this then I’ll be sure to help. • Rare items are more towards famous character centric gear e.g. Yautja plasma caster, Mjolnir, Space Marine power armour, Omnitool etc. • Unique items are super items that have a long cool down (1 chapter in game). They can be summons ala Final Fantasy, a mecha ala Gundam or something that transforms your character such a green lantern ring or “Goku’s wig” to turn yourself into a super saiyan. That isn’t the key limitations of it but ultimately each summon or transformation will disappear after five minutes. I wouldn’t worry about writing background yet because I need to finish off backstory stuff.