As the small group left the cave, the rain hasn’t really let up, but there did seem to be a slight lull in the wind. Rain was falling downwards rather than sideways now but it would only be a matter of time before the winds picked up again. The charmander and Seviper would feel the cold rain water splash against their flesh u comfortably; while not particularly painful it served as a good motivation to quickly finish their business. Vi could also feel the rain against her skin, though oddly enough the water didn’t really stick to her skin or ghostly hair; it all seemed to slide off her body. What would be more concerning for her was the wind; her lack of anchorage to the ground combined with her increasingly light weight made even these mild winds push her around. Stronger winds could very well carry her off into the unknown. Outside of the cave was a cliff and a small slope that lead down towards the forest. By now a sizable puddle had formed at the bottom of the slope at least five inches deep, filled with muddy and chilly water. Beyond the slope was the forest which was even darker than the storm outside, but relatively more dry. The canopy at least made sure that the rain had to filter through the leaves and branches before flooding the forest floor so while the ground was damp it wasn’t flooded. There were a few bushes and shrubs, but nothing that seemed apparently edible near the cave. The group would need to venture further in if they wanted to find more. Those who stayed back at the cave wouldn’t have much else to do but wait. The small fire was no longer smoking, however without more wood this paltry flame wouldn’t last to the night. There were some roots around that could serve as usable tinder but nothing that would truly make for good firewood. All the while the seedot’s inner energy would explode forth, sending his body into a violent collusion towards a wall. He slammed into the wall with far greater force than he could have mustered on his own... But aside from that nothing really grand occurred. He felt dizzier than before, but aside from that no real damage had been made. Except a few minutes later, a crack formed where the seedot had smashed his head into. And from that crack was a faint yellow quartz. Beyond that there didn’t seem to be anything else in the cave, unless they wanted to dig around some more. Another flash of lightning illuminated the cave, followed by a cold wind that would chill the little Pokémon here. And then, silence.