Colour claim is [color=crimson]Crimson[/color], face claim is undecided at present. CS below is entirely WIP so not worth looking at really :lol [hider=][color=crimson]Steve “Sully” Sullivan[/color] [img][/img] [color=crimson]"Not all those who wander are lost."[/color] - J.R.R. Tolkien [color=crimson]Back to the basics[/color] [color=crimson]Name[/color] Steve Sullivan [color=crimson]What I go by[/color] Sully - To his nearest and dearest The Reaper - To those on his bad side [color=crimson]Age[/color] 31 [color=crimson]Gender[/color] Male [color=crimson]Sexuality[/color] Heterosexual [color=crimson]Birth Date:[/color] 5 November [color=crimson]Title[/color] I’m the The Reaper, loyal and faithful to beer, steak dinners and my dog Rufus [color=crimson]The Reflection in the Mirror[/color] [color=crimson]Height[/color] 6’1” [color=crimson]Weight[/color] 230lbs [color=crimson]Eye Color[/color] Blue [color=crimson]Hair Color[/color] Brown [color=crimson]Ethnicity[/color] British/Welsh [color=crimson]Physical Appearance[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Attire[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Weaponry & Skills[/color] [color=crimson]Standard Weapon[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Skills[/color] • Marksmanship | Include guns, bows, cross bows, darts, throwing knives and anything else that can be used over distance to inflict harm on another human. • Hand to hand combat | His reputation speaks of him being able to walk into a bar with ten men and be the only man left standing. He is proficient with his hands, feet, elbows, knees, knives, nunchucks, swords, clubs and any other implement that can be used to end someones life. • Explosives | Sometimes the personal touch isn't as effective as bringing a building down onto a group of people. • Driving | With his initial role as a driver he has developed skills that can help him evade the police even if in a slower vehicle. • Risk Taker | Whether it's absailing, free climbing, sky diving, surfing or some other crazy hobby, he has likely done it numerous times. [color=crimson]Strengths[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Weaknesses[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Things I waste my Time With[/color] [color=crimson]Hobbies[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Likes[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]Dislike[/color] (Answer) [color=crimson]What I’m Really Like[/color] (Answer) (Personality) [color=crimson]All About My Past[/color] (Answer) (Character's Biography) [color=crimson]My Blood[/color] (Answer) (Family) [color=crimson]Relationships[/color] (Answer) [/hider]