[h2]Raymond Haywood: The Airport[/h2] Hmm. Definitely a Tinker, then. And if he wasn’t mistaken, Alloy’s electrical blast had shorted not just the green-robed villain’s gadgets, but also whatever was causing the airport’s phasing issues to begin with in their entirety. Unfortunately, he managed to phase out before Raymond could get a clear bead on him. Fortunately, Headhunter’s power was otherwise back to normal functionality, at least within this area. Contacting the others briefly, as Chatterbox spoke to Whimsy and Thunderbolt tried to attack the man, he rapidly uttered ‘He’s a Tinker. If you can make him phase back into reality, I can knock him out. Either trick him, force him, disable the unit phasing him out, or keep shocking him.’ And shock Alloy did. Meanwhile, Headhunter shifted his weapon to its M16A4 form, and took aim at the dimension-shifting Tinker without immediately scoping in. He’d find his moment to fire, though from his current distance, he wasn’t perfectly sure he’d be able to make the shot. He’d have to wait and see.