And I'm finally done. I may have accidentally wrote more than I planned to. [hider=Shaula Yates] [b]Name:[/b] Shaula Yates [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Water Golem [b]Appearance:[/b] Shaula is a Golem made entirely of water. She has a blue topaz core shaped like a water droplet that floats in the center of her chest. Her body is mostly the same form as when she was human, though she can change it with practice. [b]Bio:[/b] Shaula Yates was born on November 18, 1968 and grew up on the southern outskirts of Belleville, Illinois. The Yates house wasn't much to look at; it was a small, one-story place down an old gravel road, but it was enough. Her family's financial troubles weren't a problem for her until high school, when she was forced to drop out and find work after her father lost his job. Despite Shaula's efforts, her father's unemployment still took a toll on them, and before long, the bank had repossessed the only home she had ever known. The Yates moved in with Shaula's grandparents on the other side of Belleville, where she found part time work at a restaurant. Years later, her grandparents had passed away and her family inherited the house. Shaula was struggling through the early shift at a new chain restaurant downtown, always hoping the manager wasn't in the mood to yell at her that day. It was only a matter of time before he was fired and Shaula, being the next most experienced employee, replaced him as manager. However when the time came, it was not Shaula, but a newer employee who got the position. Everyone said he was just a better fit for the job, but Shaula knew better. He had taken advantage of contacts he must have had higher up, cheating to get the job that she deserved. Shaula was still fuming when she saw something that would change her life. Early one morning while driving to work, just five days after the turn of the century, she happened to look up. A massive, black object shaped like an arrowhead glided through the sky above her. At first she thought it must have been a plane, but it was moving much too slowly and flying much too low. It had a pitch black surface with pinpricks of light scattered all across, like stars sailing through the air. She sped up and turned a corner to follow, but by then it was gone. Her parents would question how it was visible at night if it gleamed exactly like the stars, or would say it must have been her imagination or a trick of the light, but Shaula knew better. She had seen a UFO. Soon, Shaula learned she wasn't the only one. Hundreds of people across the country had seen UFOs and posted about them online, and as time went by these sightings only seemed to became more and more common. Something big was happening. Determined to find out the truth, Shaula explored the internet and discovered people who argued not only that aliens existed, but that they were already here. Every politician, CEO, or celebrity, anyone with power, money, or fame would be a prime candidate for an alien to possess. These claims seemed to border on paranoia, yet she couldn't stop thinking about them. At work, her new boss had decided to "restructure" the restaurant, hiring a few people and laying off more. Shaula was one of the unlucky few who got the sack. She had an awful feeling as she drove home that evening, like she was stuck in a horrible, inescapable cycle of jumping from job to job, never progressing, always stuck in her parents' house. She needed a fresh start. Using the money she had been saving, Shaula packed up and bought a small, trailer-sized house near a city far from Belleville. There, she got a job as a waitress, back at the bottom rung trying to work her way up. Even during this transition, she couldn't help but feel like there was something keeping her from moving up in the world, and her mind went back to what she had read online. What if they were right? What if the reason people couldn't move up in the world was because those at the top were determined to stay at the top, determined to keep themselves powerful while everyone else was trapped under their thumb? With all their secrecy, would they really tell the public if there had been contact with aliens? Perhaps that would explain all the UFO sightings. Perhaps They were working with the aliens to control the public while They enjoyed living lavishly up in their estates and penthouses. Or perhaps the aliens were the ones controlling Them... The more Shaula thought about it, the more sense it made. The more she researched it, the more her eyes were opened to evidence of the conspiracy happening all around her, all across the planet. The world made more sense now than it ever had before, like puzzle pieces finally falling into place. It was clear now she had no chance of working her way up. Keeping her dead-end restaurant job, Shaula started a new podcast to bring in donations and spread the word, teaching people across the world what was really happening and how they could fight back against the aliens. Out of all the secrets the internet had revealed to her, one stood out from all the others. Orgone, ELF tower attacks, chemtrails, none were as demanding of Shaula's attention as the threat posed by the New World Order. The aliens were not content with just ruling the world in secret. The New World Order would create the apocalypse itself, bringing this world to its knees before coming into the open and revealing themselves as the new rulers of humanity. By digging into her savings account and raising funds on her podcast, Shaula bought a used shipping crate and converted it into an underground bunker in her backyard. For years, she taught people how to protect themselves with orgone and when they could expect the end of the world. Whenever her prediction for the apocalypse would fail, she would simply revise it. In 2015, she was horrified when the New World Order finally put their plans into motion, months before she had predicted. With a week left for the world and chaos on the streets, she was too far away to save her parents. The night the meteor was to strike, Shaula took one last look at the city before locking her bunker door. If she ever opened it again, it would be to a new world. [b]Skills:[/b] Shaula is able to use water and ice magic, but specializes in water magic. After some more practice with ice magic, she may be able to freeze her body into ice. Also, she isn't very experienced with physical skills but knows how to throw a good punch. (Don't ask why she was fired from her first job.) [b]Runes:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Other stuff, mostly just here for me to keep track of it. [hider=Because I got carried away] Shaula sat in front of her computer, talking into a webcam microphone and flipping through a notebook full of messy handwriting. "And just the other day, another listener from Utah called in about a saucer. We know they've been putting up more ELF towers around those states - it wasn't gonna be long before they started getting reckless, thinking we're not watching. For those of you in Utah, keep your eyes on the sky. Thanks again for that report." She paused, taking a sip of water and crossing off a line in her notebook. "Now, as for Oliver Henrik's question, yes, orgone is very effective. Not just at protecting you from the ELF towers, but at wiping out chemtrails, too." A comment popped up, 'Turn on your TV.' Shaula paused, leaning forward to frown at the podcast's comments section. Curious, she grabbed the TV remote and pressed the button. A series of grating tones played before it announced, "Please stand by for an important announcement from the president of the United States of America." The cooking show she had been watching earlier was now muted while the voice repeated itself. She changed the channel, but the same thing was happening with all the others. The TV changed to a man standing at a podium. Shaula recognized him immediately; he was just as bad as all the other "politicians", lying through their teeth just to stay in power. Though today he looked far from smug. His eyes were red and puffy like he hadn't slept in days, and there was a hint of worry in his voice that he was trying very hard to conceal. [/hider] [hider=Shaula's Beliefs] - The government is covering up the existence of aliens because they have already been taken over and replaced by aliens - Phone towers ("ELF" (Extremely Low Frequency) towers) are actually used to control people's minds and make it easier to convince them of the "lie" - Chemtrails. - Aliens are weak to a type of energy known as orgone - Anyone rich and powerful must really be an alien or be working with them - They're working to bring about the end of the world to create the New World Order - Shaula sees herself as actively at war against the NWO (even before the meteor came) [/hider] [hider=Some Personality Traits] - Has a desire to help others - Distrusting of authority figures - Strong moral compass - Wants to make an impact on the world - Values the truth - Feels like she lacks the power to truly change anything (but that doesn't stop her from trying) [/hider] [/hider]