Trevor couldn't believe his eyes when he finally woke up, and looked in the mirror, only to see a dragon's face looking back at him... he was in such disbelief that he stared at the mirror, mouth agape, stunned, for a good five minutes, and even THEN, he shook it off as some sort of after effect of being so dang tired after everything he did. Trevor headed into the shower, and, after a few carefully placed holes in his clothes, as well as an understanding that this wasn't a dream, nor a hallucination, he had at least one set of clothes that fit him, and he felt refreshed after his morning routine. He had also heard some barking from nearby when he was still in the bathroom, and he could have SWORN he heard his brother's voice, but, upon finally heading to where they were, nobody was there, not the family dog, not Trevor's dad, and not even his brother. [color=2e3192][i]Huh... guess I'll have to go back home, myself... at least it'll give me an opportunity to use these new wings, right?[/i][/color] Trevor thought to himself with a smile. He then started running, and, after getting enough speed, flapping his wings to fly up into the air, and... see exactly how much was ruined in the world, unfortunately. Were it not for the grim scene, Trevor would have smiled, due to his newfound flight abilities, as well as his now much more physically-fit body. [color=2e3192][i]No fat, no asthma, no co-ordination problems... if it weren't for everyone going insane, this would actually be pretty neat.[/i][/color] he thought to himself as he glided around, seeing others like him, and others... quite UNlike him. Strangely enough, there didn't seem to be anyone that looked fully human, but... maybe that would be a problem for another day. Upon landing near his home, and opening the... oddly broken door, Trevor found out that his game system, games, TV, and laptop were all stolen, unfortunately, and before he had any time to get mad, he saw some shady-looking... creatures running around from the corner of his eye. They were holding something that seemed to shine in the sunlight, and Trevor assumed that was something of his, so, he ran back outside, and started chasing them down, even shouting [color=2e3192]"HEY! Give me my stuff back!"[/color] as he did so, and, of course, they didn't want to give whatever they had up, so, they ran as fast as they could to try to get away from him.