[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/b9bccbc588191e313f10b43cbf014efa.png[/img] [hr] [b][u][color=869D74]Recent History[/color][/u][/b] Brevyon was once a prosperous kingdom that lived in relative peace with the neighboring kingdoms of elves, dwarves, and dragons. At one point in their history they began to war with the dragons though, and eventually went on a hunt to put an end to the fighting, setting out to kill and destroy all of dragonkind. This long lasting war went unnoticed for the most part, the kingdom slowly isolating itself from its neighbors in order to continue uninterrupted. However the decline was eventually noticed, and the dragons began to seek help. This began a war between the humans and elves, but so much damage had already been done to the dragons that it was futile, and the burning of their homeland solidified this. With the dragons gone into hiding for good, the elves and humans continued to fight. This hatred for dragons became a hatred for all creatures that had magic in their blood. The humans of Brevyon began their quest to purge and dominate, the kingdom even gaining support from kingdoms over the seas with the promise of wealth beyond measure from the spoils of war. Eventually the fight was taken to the dwarven kingdom as well, which lead to their cities being sieged and the humans trapping them underground before they could gear up for war. The tides began to turn as the elves and the dwarves banded together, their kingdoms joining in order to take down the humans. The resilience and strength of the humans and their adaptability in battle made them an unusually hard foe, but they were decimated in number and could not last against the combined kingdom. Now Brevyon is reduced in size and power, their monarchy working on rebuilding as it has been trying to do for many years. The kingdom of Aigeovarth created from the combined dwarven and elven kingdom. [hr] [/center] [hider=Kingdoms] [u][b][color=869D7A]Brevyon:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Human Kingdom[/i] The human kingdom of Brevyon lies on the eastern shore of the continent, maintaining shaky alliances with other human kingdoms across the sea. The war left the once glorious and prosperous civilization in ruin, and the militaristic kingdom that stood up from the ashes of its former self keeps control of its people, and detests any form of magic. The king and queen keep a tight rein on their people, the majority having little trouble siding with them anyways due to the animosity still lingering from the war. With the unity of the people rebuilding their kingdom from the ground up did not take long, however it is a ghost of its former self, of which many don’t remember. It belongs to a generation of bitter orphans of war. With the law forbidding the practice of magics, consorting with creatures of magic or magic users the humans have isolated themselves to their own kind, punishing those who break this law with death, or worse. The general state of the population is one of self preservation and loyalty. Those who are not affiliated with the military are doing other things to provide and rebuild. Farmers, smiths, and builders dominate as major trades, the scholarly side of Brevyon reserved for those who do the planning and are in the court. The king and queen blame the death of their only son on an elf, which was never proven to be true or not. With this comes a personal vendetta against elven-kind which have been painted as monsters within the kingdom. They are limited economically only being able to trade with those overseas, which is a risk in itself due to piracy, storms, and any other delay due to the unpredictable nature of the sea. This hasn’t prevented them from rebuilding from what they have though, and out of their determination they have done well for themselves. The kingdom is littered with the shells of old structures that were destroyed during the war, the remnants of the fighting evident everywhere. Pushed to the coastal region they are not in the most ideal spot for anything commercial, only being able to provide for themselves. This was an intentional tactic that was used against them, and the loss of their territory was a hard blow, and one that they still haven’t recovered from. [u][b][color=869D7A]Aigeovarth:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Elven, Dwarven, Human[/i] The expanse of Aigeovarth is a mixed kingdom. It is the combined territory of Aigeora, the old elven kingdom, and Varth-Kaldur, the old dwarven kingdom. These two main powers joined together when Brevyon began their assault, joining forces to end the constant fighting and the purging of dragon-kind. It is the most advanced kingdom in the realm, and a sanctuary for all races. It is also one of the largest kingdoms, consisting of two kingdoms, and the gained territory from the war. The ruling body consists of a dwarven and elven councils, with representatives of both races that act similar to a monarchy for their races. There are also representatives present of the other races that have their own pockets within the land, though they don’t hold the same amount of power. The capital city is the heart of the unity between races, the combination of advanced technology and magics have created a stunning epicenter of power, beauty, and knowledge. The large city dominates the center of the land, architecture the likes never seen before creating a stunning and beautiful home for a majority of elves and dwarves. It welcomes visitors and scholars of all kinds, and is always trying to improve on their discoveries. Outside of the capital things become more segregated and communities of the groups are spread out through the land. Not everyone was keen on the kingdoms joining together, but the reasoning behind it was enough to keep them from causing trouble about it. That doesn’t mean they are all tolerant of other races though. The kingdom is expansive enough to where the different communities don’t rub each other, and those with haughty opinions keep to themselves. Aigeovarth keeps a close eye on Brevyon, isolating them to a small area so they are weaker and can’t start trouble again. Even though they are a formidable force, the kingdom is considerably peace seeking. Their achievements stay within their borders though, fearing the outside world will use the technology for ill. They are a place of study for other things like medicine and healing, writing and the arts, and specialized trades. [u][b][color=869D7A]Vakthura:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Dragons[/i] The kingdom of Vakthura was once the home of dragonkind. The wilderness kingdom was ruled by varying clans of dragons, and few other sentient creatures were allowed within its borders. The dragons always had trouble with humankind, the animosity and constant warring between them leading to their eventual demise. Now the kingdom is an empty void of desolated land that hasn’t seen life in over a century. Once the humans burned and ruined the land they chased out the dragons and began hunting them down one by one and killing them en mass. This was one of the eventual reasons for the war. The dragons that escaped the murder went into hiding by either transforming and assimilating into other cultures, or leaving the land all together. A lot of their culture was lost, and few are even sure that there are even dragons left anymore. A twisted relative exists created by the human kingdom used against them and the other kingdom during the war. The Dengores are pseudodragons created when the humans captured dragons and mutilated them by sawing off their wings and stealing their flight, which led most to go mad, and through breeding became the bestial remnant of what once was an intelligent creature. [u][b][color=869D7A]Grimlaw:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Beast Races[/i] Grimlaw is the southern territory home to more bestial races and creatures, and is a dangerous place for travelers or explorers. Few have survived to tell of their experiences in the land, and it is left to its own devices and serves as a decent border due to no one wanting to pass through it. No one knows if there is a major ruling body or not, and no one knows the extent of the creatures that call it home. The border is heavily guarded, but that doesn’t prevent every malicious creature from getting through, and occasional skirmishes happen there. The dwarves constructed a tunnel underneath the land that serves as a highway for travellers. It is heavily guarded and well maintained. [u][b][color=869D7A]Warren:[/color][/b][/u] [i]Mostly Human[/i] Warren is a small settlement on the other side of Grimlaw that’s purpose is to keep every malicious thing within it confined. It is a rather friendly and welcoming place though and sees the passage of a lot of travelers heading to Aigeovarth. Due to its nature it is self governed and doesn’t hold allegiance to the surrounding kingdom. [/hider]