"[Color=Red]Well, this is amusing.[/color]" Ryteb chortled, his glider (or deathtrap, according to the engineers) barreling through the air ahead of the main ship. "[Color=Red]Captain, I shall provide support against anti ship weaponry.[/color]" As he spoke that over the comms, he sped downwards towards one such item. In a manoveur that seemed physically impossible (if only because the pilot [i]should[/i] be puking up his guts from the g-forces) he banked next to one of the larger groups and whipped out his pistol. "[Color=Red]In the beginning, there was the word, and the word was-[/color]" [b]KA-BOOOOM!!!![/b] From the pistol came a crimson fireball the size of a car. It ate through the secrity forces and unfortunate collateral civvies like an acid, dispersing after a few seconds. A smirk, and tint of red in his eyes were his only reactions to the casual destruction. If the people weren't panicking before, they certainly were after he began his minor rampage. "[Color=Red]Kekeke... it is so fun meeting new people...[/color]"