[@digichiptune][@Searat][@Blueflame][@Phantomlink959][@LightningMaiden] [color=f7976a]"Come with me we are going to have a team building exercise. Hopefully you will show more promise there. Maybe you can work better with others than you can together." [/color]The director told them before leading them into the meeting room where the others were gathered. [color=f7976a]"Be seated. These our two new recruits from the UK. Like most mages they don't use their full names."[/color] He explained. He was please with the success of the pairing. They hadn't been perfect but they were better. [color=f7976a]"Three successful mission. A few bumps but much better than the first attempt. I would like to try a team building exercise. I want you to be able to work as a unit when the need arises." [/color]