So, this man, by some weird miracle, was actually single? Anna took that as a shock. She was expecting this man to be tied down by someone -- maybe a fellow singer or celebrity. However, that was not the case. Jett Ollison was about as free as a bird when it came to his relationship status. Anna was amazed. There either must've been something wrong about him that she was missing, or something wrong with the girls he pursued, because there was no way a catch like Jett was going at it alone. She was [i]still[/i] in disbelief, but at the same time she was kind of relieved. At least that meant that she had the option to pursue him if she fancied him enough. As much as she wanted to, there were still eight other people to hang out with and get to know. Maybe Jett was the lowest on the list and he was actually the worst out of the entire crop. At the same time, maybe he was the best the cast had to offer. There was no way for her to know for sure until she met everyone else. But she didn't want to entirely leave Jett just yet. He was rather alluring and she didn't want to break away from the sheer amount of swagger this man possessed. Not while drunko manbun off in the distance was trying to get into another girl's pants, but failing miserably. On the bright side, the cameras had gone away from them, so they could at least enjoy a conversation in private, without cameras pointed at them and trying to figure out their business any further. It was funny to see the interaction out of the corner of her eye, as much as she was trying to pay attention to what Jett was saying. However, she could pretty much figure out what was being said. The music industry wasn't all that when it came to having people to date. It was like a dry field in a field you would think would be fertile and full of bountiful crops. That was a big surprise to Anna. She thought that relationships in the music field would be rampant and all over the place. So often, you saw celebrities and musicians dating each other. Whether it'd be a pop princess dating some comedian she was [i]clearly[/i] too good for, or a couple of actors entering a relationship after they worked on a movie together. But no, this musician in particular, was actually single. It was one of the biggest shocks that Anna had recently faced. "That's a surprise..." Anna trailed, before nodding to acknowledge what Jett had just said. Surely there had to be [i]someone[/i] that Jett wanted to date, right? Someone in the music world that could've caught his fancy. But at the same time, Anna's earlier suspicions that something may have been up with him were starting to rise. Typically, when it seemed like [i]every[/i] girl was crazy or not good enough to a man, it was more likely that [i]he[/i] was the issue instead of the women. Whether it'd be that he was the crazy one or had standards that were simply too high to realistically attain and sustain. But she also figured that it was also an entirely different game knowing that the public eye would also have a glimpse at their relationship and more details as well. There was bound to be more trickery at hand when it came to handling those relationships. Then all of a sudden -- the question was redirected back to her. Of course she was going to be asked the same question that she was just asked. Why wouldn't she be asked that question? It was deadly obvious and it was something she couldn't really avoid any longer. But, how was she going to put this? She didn't want to reveal too much as she had only just met this guy. She didn't want to tip her hand all at once. Anna still wanted to string this man along, and see what he had before she showed her hand. Not to mention, there were still the prospect of all the other people at this setting. "Yeah. You're right." The last time Anna had been in something that even remotely resembling a relationship was almost a year ago. And even then, it only lasted a month and a half before Anna decided to call it off, citing that he simply wasn't stimulating and challenging enough for her. To her, he was about as flat as a runway, and about as smart as a rock. Everything he did was the least efficient way to do something, or everything he said was just a flat out lie. It was a miracle that he even managed to get that far with Anna, because everything that he had become after she agreed to be his girlfriend was a complete farce and a bunch of bullshit. It was definitely top five on the biggest regrets of her life. Shrugging, Anna followed suit with Jett and grabbed another cocktail to keep her going, and give her some more time to think as well. Taking a sip, Anna added onto what she had to say earlier. "Nobody's good enough for me." Shrugging again, Anna knew damn well how that came across, but it was the pure, unadulterated truth. Nobody was good enough for Anna, and most likely would never be. Was she being hypocritical by having standards that were simply far too high for anyone? Absolutely. Did Anna care? No. She knew what she wanted, and she wasn't going to settle to accommodate some shithead that she met off the street. "Maybe I'll find someone who actually might be good enough for me..." Anna flashed a playful smirk, "...or perhaps I won't."