[@BBeast] Thank you for the review, here is the response. [hider=Adam][quote] As a tangential issue though, a couple of us have qualms about the use of Powerlisting Wiki in the abilities section (a habit which you appear to have picked up from other players, so we don't hold that against you). The ability's blurb should be a self-contained description of the power, whereas in this case, the blurb alone fails to clearly state what the power does and its extent or limitations. While Worship Inducement is a fitting power for Adam, it could be improved by specifying how Adam can exercise this power and to what extent (bearing in mind that normal demigods can't even read minds, let alone dominate mortals to their will. While Adam's Portfolio makes him an exception, it can't be too extreme without costing Might). I also have another power to recommend, and that is some ability which lets Adam identify a mortal's greatest desires. Of course, the list of Portfolio abilities does not have to be comprehensive, but it is something for you to consider. [/quote] Yeah, I must have admitted. The ability is quite bad when I look back. Point taken. Thankfully, I am making another ability before the review was up and hopefully have the new ability in the next draft. [quote]We presume that you and Loki have talked about Adam's origins and already have plans for your origin story (if not, get planning). However, beyond that, we have no idea what you intend to do with Adam. We're concerned that you might disappear on us. As such, we'd like you to tell us a little bit about what you plan to do after Adam is born. [/quote] Yeah, do you remember the Ainz's appendage that you send it to some remote islands/sandbars? Yeah, it is Adam. And with how things turn out, here is my current plan:[list] [*] Introduce love to all beings. This love, however, is not the sentient loves that we are used to. It is the drive or biological love, mating, survive, kind of that. The effect it has, hopefully, is some of the creation should not behave the way they are designed. Take an example of Phystene's plants. Her portfolio allows her to raise plants and let them die to her wills. Now, she could still do it, but some plants ( 1% of the crops) will refuse to die. And the more they grew and reproduced, the less control she has over those rebellious plants. But this doesn't apply to her only. Parvus' s insects are also the same. Basically, this introduces the chance of a being to withdrawn from the idea of dying for its creator. [*]After that, I create the drive for evolution. Basically, this means that the beings that got affected will desire to be better than staying the same. So, for the plants, it will kill each other on a larger scale for nutrients and sunlight. The bugs would be more prone to devour each other than act in unison. Same for bacteria. [*] After that, I create the first predator. If everyone is creating producers and no one is really planning to create the top of the food chain, I don't mind creating something that dominates the ecosystems. [*]Creating gold and ruby veins [*] Save up for whatever I have for the next turn, 2 turns for portfolio acquisition and a dozen fp more to make his Heaven on Earth-esque city. Maybe I would create sentient beings, maybe more of something to work forward "idolization" portfolio. [/list] [quote]Also, the grammar is still rather shaky, with weird tense and plurals throughout. Would we be correct in guessing that English is not your first language? Despite this, your writing is typically readable, although it is possible that we (and the other players) might have to stop and clarify things with you if any parts of your posts are ambiguous. While we definitely don't have time to proofread everything for you, I can give you some specific feedback on your CS if you would like. And grammar aside, I can see that you have the ideas for writing elaborate prose. [/quote] By this point, sure. My eyes can't catch any problems but I guess that is because of my background. So sure. [/hider]