"Great, so i gotta treat it like it's later evolutions. A king." She turned towards the Nidoran and bowed gracefully. "Your new name is King Superior. I hope your highness is pleased." If this was what Leon meant for her to be working on it, then she could play along for a while. At least until she actually respected Superior fully. It was entertaining to act this way towards Superior, and perhaps he would enjoy the title as well. If not, she could add some more bows and other servile movements while interacting with him. Rasca did want to work hard as well, after all, it wasn't everyday that people got to have a stuck-up Nidoran as a pokemon. She smirked when Leon asked the simple question, bowing low to the ground this time and saying, "Yes of course, your majesty! Do honor me with the privilege in being your friend." Rasca meant what she said, even if it sounded silly coming out of her mouth. She figured it was the thought that counted, and not how it appeared to be at the moment. In this moment it seemed that Leon took on the role of King Superior's adviser. [i]'it suits him just fine too.'[/i] Becoming a bit jealous of how well Leon was getting along with both pokemon, Rasca tidied up her stuff and walked backwards. She planned on taking a short tour of the town, before eventually stopping at the item shop. Walking in the strange way that she did, ensured that Superior was in her main vision, until he decided to catch up with her. Once that was accomplished, there would be more time for sweet talking Superior.