[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZBBcRq2/sorairo-banner2.png[/img][/center] [hr] How curious it was to see each student’s reaction to the large Invader, who until now had remained crouched and inquisitive of what was happening. As it turned out, Mila was the first to make a move, launching herself up and over the Invader before firing off a single Gravity Pull rod. The round landed squarely into the Invader’s back, making its legs buckle slightly. The sound of wrenching metal on metal filled the air as the round was activated. The gravity around the Invader suddenly became augmented, forcing the creature not down but kept in place. Slowly, with shuddering effort, it turned its alien face towards first the cyborg and then Mavis. More sounds of metal moving were heard as it trained the turret on its back right at Mavis, firing a round of fire with messy precision. All the same, its tail snapped in wild abandon, throwing out energy projectiles at Mila. Both had been deflected by Mavis’ shield, right until the human had decided retreat was the best approach to engage. Or rather, disengage. As Mavis and Mila ran in the opposite direction, having completed their sensor task, the effects of the gravity field finally began to wear off. Its legs shifting about, the Invader lowered itself on its haunches before suddenly leaping forward in hot pursuit. It ran with all the ferocity and bloodlust of any wild Earth animal. Only this one was fitted with heavy gunfire, each moving left and right to spray forward onto Team Arizona’s path. It would be chasing the two girls into a clearing, unaware of the other converging teams either nearby or rapidly approaching their position. The explosion was heard by everyone so there was no doubt the sound of gunfire and trees being cut apart by the Inavder’s attack would go unmissed as well. Certainly not for Team Afterglow, of who Riyame nodded along to Tian-Gui’s orders. Although they would be bringing reinforcements to Team Yui Gang, the sound of gunfire was getting closer and closer to the point where Riyame felt a fight would be breaking out with the big one regardless. The same could be said for her other teammate, R.R. pointing her head towards the direction of the chasing Invader. [color=crimson]“Holy shit, whatever that is, it sounds like it has fucking power!”[/color] she said aloud to no in in particular. The gleam in her eyes and the way she snapped her jaws probably gave Team Novae an idea of what she wanted to do… [hr]