- - S a s h a - Garret seemed more receptive to the notion of doing something outside which was totally cool with her. She figured it may be more fun then letting their brains rot in front of the tv, as he mother would say. "Mm sure, we can do something outside." Sasha flashed him a reassuring smile as they nibbled on their meal. As for what they could do outside, well they could pretty much do anything. From playing a sport to just casually kicking a ball around. Or they could wander around and talk or check out any wildlife, as Garret mentioned. Birds and squirrels would likely be the easiest things to spot. Maybe they'd spot the rare deer or something. She finished eating and her mother told them to stick together, which they would of course do. Why wouldn't they? "Thanks mom." Sasha said as she got up from the table and wiped her mouth. Her mother then said when they got back, they could have some popsickles. That sounded good to her. "Okay, bye." She waved and looked to Garret. They then headed out the door and looked down at the sidewalk, left and then right. "Let's see..." They could head down to one of the many small quaint parks that populated their lovely city. Then they were bound to find a playground and even birds and the like. "How 'bout the park?" Sasha proposed. It seemed like a good place to check out and each neighborhood had their own so it wasn't as if they'd be looking at a carbon copy of Garret's. As they walked, a few birds flew by, from tree to tree but none of them really stood out to the girl, then again she wasn't really into birds so she wouldn't really know one from another. When they finally arrived at the park, they found it relatively empty save for a few younger kids with their parents. Sasha looked to Garret, for once she felt like an adult, not needing to cling to her parents for supervision. Of course she wasn't in high school just yet but this surge of pride couldn't help but be felt. Even so, with the tranquility of it all, Sasha couldn't help but want to ask Garret some more questions as they sat down on a bench under the shade a large oak tree. "So you and Ashes seem close, and you also like fish." She commented. "You like a lot of animals don't you? Are you like, gonna become a vet or something or is there like an animal you don't wanna go near...?" She started to ask the boy. - - D e v o n - Weaving, darting and ducking about, Devon was quick on his feet, his athleticism coming into play. He was glad for that, some kids were too slow or clumsy so Devon took advantage of them. But the challenge of finding others such as himself who were good as quick movements was fun, a lot more fun than shooting fish in a barrel or however that saying went. The redhead let out a bit of a sigh and soon hurried forward. He ended up nearly running into non other than Ami. "Hey I've been looking for you." He said with a small smile though it was hard to make out in the arena. His heart was racing, everything was moving so fast. Thankfully they had more games to play so this wouldn't be the end of it. No, it would be the beginning. Well, maybe the end for the aliens and other people who crossed his path. Ami moved out of the line of fire and he did the same, sighing slightly. He was still ready for more! As Ami looked out at who was drawing near, she whispered a plan, one which sounded good to him. He gave her a thumbs up. Of course he'd have her back, they could take down anything. They could be quite a force to be reckoned with. As he moved around, trying to get behind them or at least find another angle so he could take them down without too much trouble while Ami took care of distracting the idiots. She did just that and he raised his gun, taking him. But then Ami yelled at him with caused him to flinch in frustration. Argh, did she have to do that now? Of all times? In public. Seesh. Glaring, he took aim. His first attempt missed. But his second did not. He shot both targets and then ran off, finding himself a bit angry at Ami. She knew he didn't like that nickname. It was so girly and stupid and he hated it. He found a hiding spot where he could pick off players and the straw alien or two as needed. But Ami had really shaken him up and it bothered him to no end. Finally the house lights came on and everyone was instructed to head back out and check their scores in the arcade area. Devon headed off and took off his gear and hurried out and found the screen which had everyone's shots on enemies and aliens. He did pretty well though when Ami caught up with him,. he gave her a look. "Why'd you have to call me Devie in there, with all those other guys around?"