[center][color=CFD3C6][img]https://i.imgur.com/QxwohJt.png[/img][/color][/center] [center][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/center] [hr] Rurik thought he might've actually blacked out this time. The beating must have stopped before it did permanent damage though, because he came to soon enough. The demoness seemed distracted for a moment, she he began feebly crawling away. He made it a few feet before he just stopped, needing a moment to breathe. He lay there on his back staring up at the slowly darkening sky. He was trying to remember what he was hoping to accomplish here. He had a vague notion that he'd wanted to help Christine... and so what was he doing? There was a reason he just didn't... do things. You didn't get to decide if you succeeded, life did. And life always turned on you. The fall hurt less if you didn't climb too high to begin with. So what the hell was he doing here, half-assing it and getting his ass handed to him? What did that accomplish? Why had he even let Christine into his life to begin with? He told himself it was what it was when she would finally, inevitably, drop him, but part of him wondered if he'd survive the landing intact. Knowing all that, knowing it was inevitable, why was he trying to drag it out? He was garbage and she wasn't. He was supposed to be OK with that. He'd wanted that safe, shallow existence where he'd never fear walking off another cliff. That was who he wanted to be -- who he was. Even the demoness knew it. And that really... really... [center]really...[/center] Rurik shot up onto his feet like a vampire rising from it's coffin. [color=CFD3C6]"So... it's really you deep down after all, huh Kath?"[/color] Rurik stared her down right in the eyes. [color=CFD3C6]"Yeah, you're so far above me so it's up to you whether or not I'm good enough for her, right? Well get over it already, I'm not going anywhere. But hey,"[/color] Rurik pointed at his forehead with his thumb, [color=CFD3C6]"maybe if you hit me hard enough I'll forget all about her."[/color] And then he shoved his hands in his pockets and he let every ounce of resentment he'd stored up toward Kath over the years show on his face. [color=CFD3C6]"But I don't think you've got it in you."[/color]