Phagora glanced around. [i]Really? All she wants is us to exterminate another coven. Ryleth and I can easily take two witches if we prepare, and the others are more than capable of handling themselves in a fight. There's a catch, there's got to be a catch.[/i] But she wasn't stupid enough to say that out loud, so she simply asked, "Do you have any information on this coven?" Kalisel slowly recovered from the shock of her failed healing. As the tavern owner went to assist the man, with a slight dig at her, she nodded. "No offense taken. I'll defer to you, good sir- I'm not very experienced at this kind of thing." When the man came to, making a comment about wendigos, Kalisel stayed by his side. "Easy there. Easy. You're badly hurt, and in no condition to be hunting daffodils, much less wendigos." She tried to place his face, but couldn't recall if she had met him before. Not surprising, considering the many mortals she had met over the millennia.