[@ZAVAZggg] [quote=@ZAVAZggg] *I stumble forward a bit as the light dissipates and I find myself standing in a narrow, dark, trash filled alley; the opening of which is illuminated by the soft glow of electrical lights* [i]It can't be...is this...my world?[/i] *I look about and take note of the fact that I can see the night sky above* [i]No...no this isn't it. If I was truly home, then I wouldn't be able to see the sky due to the fog...[/i] *I look down at myself, taking note of how I'm still in my undead body* [i]And my I wouldn't be an undead still...[/i] *I take a few steps towards the alley entrance, my mind racing in a thousand directions at once as I try to figure out where I've ended up* So if this isn't my world...then who's world is it? [color=black][b]L-lord Ainz?[/b][/color] *I turn around to find one of the vampire brides from earlier approaching me. Nodding at her I watch as she approaches and stops a respectful distance away before kneeling* [color=black][b]Lord Ainz, do you know where we are?[/b][/color] Unfortunately, I do not. However, it seems to be similar to our own world, albeit more advanced. And magic still exists so that's something at least. [color=black][b]Indeed it is my lord. Also, if you do not mind me asking, why is lady Shalltear not with you?[/b][/color] Oh don't worry. She'll be here. [i]If there's one thing I can count on, it's her loyalty. Shalltear would never allow me to face such a potentially dangerous situation by myself.[/i] [/quote] *Steps out of the light and takes a few steps to steady myself* L-Lord Ainz, where are we?