[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UxzkBPt.png[/img][/center][hr] Raphel had been looking out into the far yonder for quite some time. Nothing looked to be coming his way specifically, but there seemed to be a large concentration of enemies around one of the other sensors, which was likely destroyed by some idiot who tried to use explosives against them. The gargantuan one caught Raphel's eye the most since, from what he observed, it seemed to be the one that was large and in charge. You know how the saying goes; "Giant Enemy Crab. Attack the weak point for massive damage." The question was where this weak point was meant to be, exactly... ... The most logical place to start was the head. After all, assuming the invaders' anatomy had even the slightest resemblance to that of the humans, that was where the brain would reside, protected by nothing a shot from the Voice of Reason couldn't break through in its entirety. As he took his time to aim at the correct spot, Raphel contemplated what the giant invader would do once it realized it was under attack. Assuming his earlier deduction was correct, he'd probably have to then deal with a few goons that would come his way. He could quite easily handle one or two, perhaps even three in a pinch, but he would definitely need support if any more were to charge his position. Still, Raphel was sure the teams that were fighting the invaders off would appreciate the distraction. With that, Raphel made his shot, a clean snipe from the far yonder, straight into the giant invader's skull.