Hey everyone, my name is Leigh. I'm a cook with a lot of off time in Winter/early Spring and I like to pass the time writing and roleplaying (among other things). Most of my hobbies are extremely sporadic and I'll go weeks to months without even thinking about them. The only hobby I never seem to get tired of is Roleplaying. I love story-telling in all of its forms and something about being able to tell a story with someone instead of to someone is really appealing to me. My more sporadic hobbies include cartoons, sewing, and collecting TCGs/CCGs. As far as cartoons go, I like to collect DvD releases of shows and animated movies that I really enjoy, as well as getting a hold of older cartoons that aren't always easy to find. I also run a blog (which I haven't updated for a few months now) that I post reviews and cartoon news on. So, [b]how long have I been a roleplayer?[/b] That's tough to say really. I remember the first time I discovered roleplaying was on Gaia Online, a game I haven't played for probably a decade now. I joined a few roleplaying clubs on the site, but nothing really came out of any of them. I'd be able to get a few posts in before either most of the club dropped out, or the people that were fun to roleplay with all dropped out or stopped responding. I'm not sure how that didn't sour me on the format back then. Really all it did was make me wanna roleplay more and possibly find one that I could actually experience the ending of. That was probably back in 2010 or so. I haven't been roleplaying for a solid 9 years or anything like that, but I've been writing since I was 8 (I'm 20 now, 21 in May) and I feel like a lot of the skills I learned from writing translate really well into roleplaying. I have, however, been consistently roleplaying for over 2 years now. [b]Roleplaying Preferences?[/b] I've always leaned towards the fantasy side of things. Sci-Fi never really interested me nearly as much as magic, warriors, castles, and the sort. Of course modern day with plenty of supernatural happenings can be a lot of fun as well. If I had to rank the three it'd be fantasy at top, then supernatural, with Sci-Fi taking up the rear. One on one roleplays are what I have the most expirience with, but I like the idea of a small group roleplay. More people to add in their certain brand of storytelling, but not too many where someone might end up falling behind and having to drop out. Anyways, I think that just about wraps up all I have to say about myself.