2:43 pm On the edge of Carter Hills leading into downtown Engine City the quarantine line was on high alert. Several flags occured within hours and the melted ones inside seemed to be stirred up. There were armed police as well as shady looking SWAT members guarding the line at the ten foot tall wire fences put up around the area. Large wooden barracades were also in place to help with support in case the melted ones charged together. No matter which angle you look at it from, it's always a damn mess. "For two weeks the Westman Chemical Plant has told civilians to stay out of Carter Hills due to the radiation levels. But nobody has went in looking for survivors unaffected by the direct contact to Tox's leftover mass. Some of those houses have sturdy basements, but it's hard to tell without smoke signals or something. With power out in the area there's no way for anyone inside to reach beyond the quarantine line. Even with the lower levels of radiation directly, the thousands of melted people in Carter Hills are emitting enough radiation to make most people vomit after about an hour or two. Survivors won't have much longer to hold out." Plex pondered looking at the line from some nearby woods about a block or so away. He was back to regular size now and trying to form a strategy once he got in there. There were a few law firms in Carter Hills as well as a strip mall, a gas station, and an empty building that used to be a warehouse of some kind. All that plus a bunch of residential housing. Suburbs, sub divisions, trailer parks, you name it. There were also a few train tracks around town. "If I wait until sundown I'll have no problem sneaking in and getting to the warehouse. That's a kind of obvious place to look for clues... 'old abandoned warehouse,'" Lucas thought laughing a little bit, not loud enough to be heard. "After that I'll sweep through the law offices and see if there's maybe some legal action being taken against Westman Chemical for something." Lucas faded into the backgroound more and more before coming across one of his duplicated with a duffle bag with civilian clothes. Lucas threw them on and pulled his hair back as best he could and went in the opposite direction of the duplicate. The duplicate that was now being followed. ~KL~