[@BBeast] I bigged up her hair, and it has lived up to that bigness! None can accuse me of hyping stuff that ain't hyped! >.> In truth, it would make a great amount of sense for Seihdhara's divine essence to be in her hair rather than her blood. It readily explains stuff I was going to divulge in later posts. So if it is an acceptable divergence from the canon, or building upon it, I will go with her hair being the primary carrier of her divine essence. Much as it would be great for everything to either die or become a demigod we'll hold off on that no doubt brilliant idea. It shall therefore fall to [@Muttonhawk], as our very own blood god, to decide what that blood does. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ACTIONS! [sub]edit: i joke. i'll work it out when i make the wiki page for it.[/sub] As for the river, I actually didn't know that. I just thought rivers flow along any easy downward slopes even if that means different branches develop. But if it should be a single river then the person who makes the final version of the map can go with any of the river-mouths feeding into the World Water. Though that one feeding into the Giant's Bath (which is Narzhak's hole if my understanding is correct) was pretty cool. Edit 2: To assuage your panicked mind, I assure you that there is a good reason (to my mind at least) for why Seihdhara was killed by the blast while others - even Asceal who got it at point-blank range - didn't. It has to do with Seihdhara's hair, and now that you have given me the idea of her hair being the carrier of her divine essence it makes even greater sense. If you'd like a fuller explanation I can pm you three.