[@BBeast] Righto - you might have missed this edit to my above reply: [quote=@Kho]Edit 2: To assuage your panicked mind, I assure you that there is a good reason (to my mind at least) for why Seihdhara was killed by the blast while others - even Asceal who got it at point-blank range - didn't. It has to do with Seihdhara's hair, and now that you have given me the idea of her hair being the carrier of her divine essence it makes even greater sense. If you'd like a fuller explanation I can pm you three.[/quote] And I don't seem to have seen any mention of the Giant's Bath in the IC, I must have not paid that any attention while reading. In any case, thanks for letting me know! Once I have worked out what the river Seihdhar's properties are I'll update the FP expenditure accordingly. It would still fall within the remit of Freepoints, right? Else I'll wait until next turn to properly canonise that with some MP expenditure. o-o