As I'm looking towards the final stages of finishing up an OOC for a Star Wars RP I've been looking to run for some time now, I've felt it a good time to toss up an interest check for anyone looking for something focused more on the scum and villainy of the setting. Though force-users will show up here and there, and I've got a few already interested in playing as them, this RP I've got in mind will be following a captain of a mercenary group out looking to make a name for themselves in an ever changing galaxy. It's been sixteen years since the close of the Clone Wars, or three years before the battle of Yavin, and the Empire is in full swing so that means there will be quite a bit of action out there for any enterprising individuals. Feel free to ask whatever questions may come to mind for those who stop by with that bit of curiousity, though should mention that this RP will be following Legends and not the new canon.