After picking up her bow Kyra and the others retreated from the bar swarm and went to the mushroom garden to rest. Kyra made sure to keep everyone out from the dangerous shrooms as well as to make some rudimentary camouflage. It was far from foil proof but it’ll at least give the party a chance if they need to hide from danger. Once everyone was settled in Kyra went about patching up her wounds with her supplies. Orchid seemed to have been able to patch up his own wounds well enough that Kyra didn’t need to help him. Latin was bloodied but it looked like she used her own magic to undo her injuries. Brannor wasn’t harmed at all, likely thanks to his heavy armor protecting him from the insects. Torus was physically fine, as his animal form had taken the most damage. So all she needed to do was take care of herself. Once Kyra was sufficiently healed and looked to the others. [color=pink]”We need to press on, though I don’t want to awaken that bat swarm again.”[/color] Kyra raised her hand towards Brannor with a hint of magic on her fingertips. [color=pink]”It’s not much but if we have to go through there again, allow me to provide some Guidance. Every bit will help.”[/color] [hider=Rolls] Short Rest Healing = [url=]9[/url] [/hider]