[center][color=darkgreen][h3]Linkle[/h3][/color] [color=darkgreen][b]Level 2[/b][/color] - (11/20) EXP [color=darkgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] Scrapyard, Left Side ---> Scrapyard, Engineer's Perch [color=darkgreen][b]Word Count:811[/b][/color] [/center] [hr] To be fair to Linkle something very much like this strategy had worked the last time she had been pinned down. But the turrets turned out much more durable, and the human up here was so much smarter than the rabbits. He'd taken cover himself while the bombs has raided down and whipped out a gun she didn't even think her had. Linkle turned to try and dive out of the way but weapon blasted and she felt hot pain bite into her entire left side and was thrown off balance herself. As the two turrets turned their full attention on her she saw her rabbit friend break off and threw himself into the castle most. It was basically the only place you could go to slip out from under the barrels of those weapons. Provided, of course, that you could swim away. Which Linkle, unfortunately, was not confident that she could do. She knew how to kick her legs to keep her head above water, but between the cuckoo farm and the crossbow training she had never really had the opportunity to head down to the local pond to really practice. So where did that leave her? If she dived after the rabbit hero she'd drown. Worse, it would mean abandoning her comrades to the wrath of these stupid robots. Linkle knew they weren't safe back there, what with how fast the big ones gun had been reading through Tora's cover when she had sprinted up here. But she couldn't run back to them fast enough to avoid being shot in the back. She could stand here and try to fight, but judging by the turtle shells earlier there was no way she was going to be able to damage anyone but the human and how much could she inflict before she got mowed down? A simple question flashed it's way through Linkle's mind; was she supposed to die here? No. Obviously not. Hyrule was still in danger so there was no way she could die right now. She was a hero. So it was simple, really. She'd heard plenty of stories that ended in heroic last stands. She'd never heard one that ended with the hero drowning in a moat. She decided on taking the best of all three options. Linkle sprinted right, following the rabbit into the crisp blue water. The shock of cool dampness hit her like tidal wave, but she didn't flail her arms or kick and thrash like an animal. Instead she kept one hand firmly grasping the shoreline so she could at least pull her head up out of the water to breath. As she stared down through water that was beautifully clear she could see an abundance of life swimming around the moat. Fish, a giant friendly looking dragon like creature, even things that she initially mistook for Zora lurking at the bottom. She stayed under for as long as her breath held out, looking everywhere for where the rabbit hero could have gone, then pulled herself up for a breath of air. The new plan had been simple; use the shoreline itself as cover to harass the robots and the man so that they didn't turn their guns back on Minako and Tora while moving down the shoreline towards them. Then they could all back out and hopefully wait for reinforcements to arrive. She was luckily delighted to see that in the interval Bowser had already arrived and drawn the full attention of the enemy, blocking their bullets with a new piece of equipment Linkle decided she desperately needed a copy of if they were going to be battling more enemies like this. He wasn't alone either, as two other semi-familiar figures hurled an assortment of bombs and hammers at the enemy. Unfortunately now Bowser was caught in the same situation as they had been, having to advance into a hail of bullets. She looked back to check on her group, and swallowed. Tora was flopped out on the ground in as bad a way as Kirby had been earlier today, exposed form anyone that might try to attack him. Linkle kicked herself. She hadn't even been fast enough to stop that big turret from doing that? Minako was nowhere to be seen, which she guessed was fortunate. She couldn't be sure. She looked back at the man and his sentient guns. Bowser was here, which meant Blazermate couldn't be far behind. She could rescue Tora, but Tora would have to be alive for that. He couldn't just be left in the open. Michael would also be coming, and he had they big powerful gun to take the pressure off Bowser, who she was sure would tear those guys apart with his bare claws once he reached them. Slowly, Linkle started using the shoreline to pull herself down the shore to war where Tora lay. If noting interrupted her progress she would pull herself out of the water when she got as close as possible to him and drag him to safety. After that she would have to see in Minako had any ideas because it was clear that Linkle ideas were not going to work out against this enemy.