[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z0V1WQG.png?1[/img][/center] Vélaneah was always careful on unfamiliar ground. Cautious about putting herself forward, of appearing too bold or drawing ire on unfamiliar ground. Some of that was undoubtedly her upbringing, seeing her family's rivals tearing her father down, seeing each and every crack in his armour. Some of that was pure self preservation in the barb-tongued court of the Imperium. Some of it, she theorised, was due to her elemental affinity. Let the pyromancers be bold and impulsive as the flames they wielded. It was water that would wear them down and douse their fires. Water endured. Besides, she didn't really [i]want[/i] to go traipsing off into the countryside. Not that she wouldn't, she just felt that she might be more successful if she focused on affairs within Haev. Perhaps if she asked one of the Captain's guards, they would know about something requiring her particular brand of cool and relentless persuasion. Grey eyes considering the most attentive-looking of the humans as she made her way to the table in Einarr's wake and secured an insignia and coin of her own. [i]Roughly[/i] 20 coin anyway. She took a step away, then stilled as Stravi spoke to her - and courteously at that. She went to respond - but Georgia was there afore her, helping to confirm her in the decision she had already made. [color=6ecff6]"Of course Sir Stravi, I would be delighted,"[/color] she opined, looking up at the dwarf. It would mean journeying out of town, but in the company of two individuals she already knew enough to respect and one she was curious to learn more about over the compass of their expedition. [color=6ecff6]"I trust you mean to depart today,"[/color] she noted wryly. She could still feel the sway of the ocean beneath her legs, but the dwarf nobleman had never struck her as one to waste time from the first moment they had met one another. [color=6ecff6]"I will make some of my own enquiries, but be sure to find me before you depart."[/color] Making her way to the horse lines, she struck up a conversation with the grooms there that would have surprised any of her highborn friends from the Imperium. While her accent retained its refined lilt, she was gaily cheerful as she hailed the weary handlers with a wave. [color=6ecff6]"Good morrow to you! My colleagues and I are taking a small jaunt up to the dwarfmines north of here and will need patient and steady mounts to cover the distance swiftly and leave us still able to walk."[/color] She smiled quickly and brightly. [color=6ecff6]"I have some small experience with horses, let me assist you in saddling them for us, I know we must leave shortly."[/color] Taking the opportunity while among them, Vél helped to pick the four mounts she judged most suited to each of the four riders on Stravi's expedition - the cream of the crop where possible - and also picked the stablehand's brains for any news or gossip they have heard about the current situation around the mines. When her bearded friend found her, she would ideally have the horses saddled and ready, with five days' supplies in their saddle bags.