ALRIGHT LET'S BRING 'EM IN! [hider=Inanna] [center][h1][b]Inanna[/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]10[/b] || [b]Iran[/b] || [b]Male[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]A golem standing at five feet and four inches, Inanna sports a slim, flimsy-looking body with no significant muscles to speak of, hidden under hooded red robes and leather boots. His skin is a pale white, and feminine facial features work with long white hair to frame wide, deep green eyes. He carries with him an ancient steel staff, adorned at the top with a bizarre symbol with two curved protrusions running down opposite sides.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [list] [*]Optimistic [*]Naive [*]Caring [*]Trusting [*]Apologetic [/list] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]In the depths of the deserts of Iran, an ancient order sought to create a vessel for the revival of their ancient god. Created from hallowed clay, souls from fighters across the world, and a piece of metal that was said to be a fragment of a magical blade that was said to be a source of ki itself, the golem was to return an order to the world that had been lost with the fading of magic. Well, Inanna certainly wasn't what they were expecting. The first thing he did when he rose from the arcane crucible was ask if they needed a light turned on in their occult basement. They’d strain their eyes if they worked in the dark like that, he explained to a crowd of confused hooded figures. As Inanna began to experience the world around himself, his hobbies expanded to such awe-inspiring areas as singing, sewing, and occasionally cooking. His creators weren’t convinced that their little project had gone as intended, but decided to test his skills anyways. While he took fairly well to fighting with his staff, he had difficulty channeling his seemingly immense stores of ki. He was almost written off as a failure until one day of training; his opponent tried to land a finishing blow, only for a mysterious voice to leave Inanna's lips as his opponent ended up hitting himself in the head by way of two green portals. Though it never spoke through him since then, he eventually began to hear it speak to him as he developed his arcane talents. While he enjoyed all of the positive reinforcement he was getting for once, Inanna eventually hit a brick wall. He simply wasn’t going to attune any further as a vessel in his current state. He eventually left his home, embarking on a worldwide search for a path to more power. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]Trained in the style of his temple, Inanna uses momentum to make up for his lack of strength as he twirls and strikes his enemies with his staff to keep them at bay. Though it allows him to strike from a decent range, it isn’t anything special in terms of damage. His real strength comes in the form of his ability to conjure magical portals around him. He can create up to two sets of two interlinked portals. Momentum of anything that goes through a portal will be carried through to the other side, and if a portal closes while something or someone is partway through it, they get spat out violently from whatever side contains most of the subject’s mass. [/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [Warp Step][/u] [indent][Inanna opens a portal under his feet and reappears from the air in a different location.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Warp Flip][/u] [indent][Inanna opens a portal underneath his feet and turns his staff sideways as he falls into the ground, reappearing above and in front of the enemy. Hanging onto his staff and flipping like a gymnast, he sails towards his opponent’s gut feet first, somehow retaining enough momentum afterwards to sail up into the air and land back to where he was when he started the attack, retrieving his staff.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Warp Thrust][/u] [indent][In lieu of a proper ranged attack, Inanna simply opens a portal in front of him connected to another in front of his opponent, and thrusts once with his staff before bringing it back and closing the portals.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Warp Snap][/u] [indent][Inanna creates a portal in front of him and a few feet in the air that connects to another one behind his opponent. He reaches through with his staff and hooks it around his opponent's neck, pulling it against the inside edge of the portal. He then unhooks and withdraws his staff, closing the portal and sending his opponent flying.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Warp Fling][/u] [indent][Inanna opens a deliberately unstable portal in front of him with an exit facing himself immediately behind it, making it difficult to notice. If anything or anyone attempts to pass through, the portal will immediately collapse in on it, spitting them out with exponentially more force than they attempted to enter with. If nothing attempts to enter, the portal will collapse on its own after a couple seconds. Doesn’t work with faster projectiles such as bullets.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Verdant Portal Kick][/u] [indent][Inanna opens a portal under his feet and reappears above his opponent with a foot extended, kicking for minor damage and leaping backwards off of them for a graceful rebound. Inanna can alternatively hold himself in a set of two portals located above each other located up in the air before the kick to both fake out and increase his own velocity and damage. On the first loop, he’ll kick with both feet, rolling along the ground if he misses. On the second, he’ll come down hard enough that he’ll use his opponent to break his fall, taking damage himself if he misses. While he’s “looping” to charge the move, he’s vulnerable to damage from anything that can hit him.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Retribution][/u] [indent][A counter-attack in which Inanna opens a portal directly in front of him connected to another one above his opponent. In the event that a projectile passes through it, it ends up travelling down on the opponent’s head. In the event that the opponent uses melee techniques and strikes through the portal itself, Inanna capitalizes on the fact that gravity is pulling the enemy in two different directions by twirling behind them and sending them the rest of the way through with a solid strike, letting the fall do the rest of the work.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Inanna’s Grace][/u] [indent][Though ki gives the clay that makes up his body properties similar to a human's flesh and bone to protect his core, he is unable to heal over time as a human would. By channeling ki, he can reshape his body, smoothing over any injuries and even remaking lost limbs, provided that he has a source of clay nearby to replace them. The process takes up to a couple of minutes depending on the severity of the injury, making it ill-suited for battle.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Copy][/u] [indent][Inanna opens up a portal to his own core, directly in front of him. Any attack that goes through the portal will become consumed by its magic, giving him a temporary complete understanding of it. He will be able to magically replicate the attack, though he can only hold one attack “in memory” at a time, though he can lose a copied ability after taking a particularly hard hit.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [Damocles Drop][/u] [indent][Briefly searching for an item to use, Inanna decides not to inconvenience anyone and opens a portal at his feet, dropping his staff through it. It reappears high in the air, dropping into another portal linked to the previous one, and the staff continually accelerates as gravity pulls between the two portals. When he’s ready, he can release it out of the loop by linking the bottom portal to an exit portal over the opponent’s head. He quickly readjusts the portals to reach out and retrieve his staff from a distance. While initially nothing special for a super, leaving him vulnerable without his staff, giving it the time to reach terminal velocity will result in a quick and devastating attack.][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Rostam’s Rush][/u] [indent][Summoning uncharacteristic determination, Inanna slaps his opponent as hard as he can… Which still isn't much. However, he continues his assault by repeatedly slapping them with one hand while utilizing portals to strike at them again and again from many different angles with his staff held in the other. He finishes by thrusting forwards with his staff once the opponent loses balance, sending them away.][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Shaghad’s Strike][/u] [indent][Raising his staff high, Inanna swings as hard as he can and sends his opponent into a portal set above the first one. Much like Damocles Drop, he allows gravity to accelerate his opponent. He releases the target to the floor once they reach terminal velocity, allowing them to hit the floor as if they decided to take a skydive without a parachute.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]While Inanna’s portals give him the ability to move and attack all across the stage, he lacks strength and mobility outside of his gimmick. His best ways of dealing damage come from either gravity or the opponent’s own strength, meaning that those who can counteract such forces are that much better off. His portals also come with a fatal flaw; they work both ways, and leave him wide open to anyone smart enough to attack him through his own portal. Overall, he lacks the experience and drive to use his skills to their full potential. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]Nyeh[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Seshat] [center][h1][b]Seshat[/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]4,042[/b] || [b]Egypt[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Those posting bounties for Seshat often describe a mysterious figure, around 6’7”, clad from head to toe in fancy-looking white powered armor outfitted with various strange weapons, looking down an assault rifle through a glowing blue visor, with a glowing ankh present on the left shoulder. She is often mistakenly described as a robot, though that would only be half-true. Under that layer of armor lies… another layer of armor. Black and grey platemail layer together to create an imposing stature, complete with a glowing magic tower shield and spear. She has no helmet for this layer of armor, revealing a brown face with stern yet strangely beautiful features, her eyes and eyebrows marked by kohl, her right eye in particular being marked with the Wadjet symbol. Strange glowing green lines can be seen at the base of her neck that trail down underneath the collar of her armor. And under that lies her true self. A featureless, purplish, vaguely humanoid and almost ethereal-looking body that would look quite strong… if it weren’t weathered and covered in cracks. Green magical energies leak out across her body from these imperfections, though the six-pointed emblem on her chest seems to be deliberately made. A protrusion on her right arm can be used to project a glowing green blade of magic, while winglike structures on her back project an ethereal green, fiery light. [/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent]Stern Melancholy Adaptable Observant Empathetic Determined Self-righteous[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]In ancient times, there was a legendary warrior who wandered the Mediterranean world, who triumphed over any who dared to challenge him. No one was sure whether this was due to his own skill or the enchanted sword he wielded, and this remained a mystery when he finally met his fate and the sword was shattered into forty-two pieces. They were eventually recovered by the court sorcerers of an Egyptian pharaoh, and each piece was used to create a warrior to serve him. Seshat was one of these warriors; a creature formed from earth and magic. Though the specifics of her creation were lost with the Library of Alexandria, it was clear that Seshat and her brothers and sisters were an even greater force than the weapon they were made from. They fought to defend and expand the pharaoh’s reign, and did so excellently until his death. It was only a matter of time her brother Horus suggested that they take the pharaoh's place, and expand their domain even further. After all, they were almost godlike; far stronger than any feeble human could ever hope to be. Who better to stand above them and maintain Ma’at? Though most of Seshat’s brothers and sisters agreed with this plan, Seshat was vocal in her opposition. She was joined only by her sisters Mafdet and Isis, who shared her more level-headed approach. Debate raged on until it was clear that they would tolerate mere words no longer. Horus challenged Seshat and her allies to stand against their siblings through battle. And so she did. Through some mix of strategy, skill, and miraculous luck, the three had managed to triumph over thirteen times their number. It had not been without cost: Mafdet had lost her life, and Seshat’s core had been knocked from her body amidst the maelstrom of melee and magic, and had been lost in the flow of the Nile. With her own life fading as well, Isis concocted a plan to save her sister, giving Seshat her core before she succumbed to her wounds. In but a single night, the forty-two had been reduced to one. Out of some mix of shame and sorrow, Seshat felt that she could not continue to serve Egypt any further. Seshat gathered the cores of her comrades and melded them with her own, with the exception of the one piece she had lost. She began to travel the world, searching for artifacts of immense power, similar to the one that had created her, and began to either destroy them or seal them away if the former was not an option, as well as opposing those who would threaten the world’s balance, especially if it involved said artifacts. While a century meant nothing to Seshat, millennia of travel and battle began to leave their effect on her, perhaps an effect of the loss of her original core, perhaps an imperfection in her own creation or perhaps something else entirely. It did not matter to her: As her body grew frail and aged, she supplemented it with armor and weapons to protect it, for she would keep fighting no matter what. Her exploits had continued to the present day. While she had little interest in how she was perceived, she still knew one thing for sure. The balance of Ma’at was being threatened, and she would make sure that it shall remain undisturbed. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u][/indent] [indent] Seshat was never formally trained under any formal fighting style. Instead, she fights using a variety of weapons and armor sets with skills that she has accumulated and refined through fighting and studying worldwide over thousands of years, with the odd magic spell thrown in here and there. To offset her fragility, Seshat uses two layers of armor that she has collected over the years. Instead the armor simply dampening blows, it has been supplemented by her own sealing magic that negates the damage to Seshat herself entirely, transferring that stress into the armor plating itself, until it eventually melts into a series of hieroglyphs on Seshat’s body for a few hours until that magical stress is properly vented. On all layers of armor, she will use her body’s boosters for an extra bit of speed, though she can only really be considered “fast” once the armor is gone. The third, outer layer is comprised of the weapons and armor plating of various robots, most prominently a high-tech assault rifle, which she uses in conjunction with a few other scavenged pieces of equipment to keep foes at bay at longer ranges. The second layer of armor could be considered cutting edge and ahead of its time… About a thousand years ago when it was forged, give or take a century or two. Wielding this set of platemail alongside a mighty tower shield and a long spear, Seshat becomes more aggressive, blocking and shunting aside blows with her shield and thrusting deftly with her spear, augmented by the odd shield bash and a couple of magical spells. Seshat’s final layer is her true form, and with it she fights with strength, speed, and raw magical power echoing the era of the height of her power. Gaining the ability to fly and teleport, Seshat fights both with beauty and desperation reminiscent of a cornered animal, using her arm-mounted laser blade of ki and magical energies. With no armor to protect her aged body, she is beyond fragile in this form. Seshat can sense ki as well as magical energies, and the visor of her power suit can allow her to see heat signatures as long as it’s active.[/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ All Layers[/u] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Overboost[/u] [indent]Seshat’s back armor plating folds away over the course of a second to reveal her wings, which she pours a massive amount of ki into in order to move in a single direction at high speeds, though the exact speed depends on how much equipment is currently weighing her down. On the final layer, using this move will damage her slightly as she uses it.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Third and Final Layerr[/u] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Mafdet Missile[/u] [indent]Only useable on the third and final layers. If an opponent has been in her line of sight for a second or so, she can fire a fireball homing missile from her suit’s shoulder-mounted missile launcher at them. This is only accurate at mid-to-long ranges: The missile’s maneuverability is lacking enough that it will sail straight over the heads of most close-range opponents. On the final layer, it is simply a magical arrow fired from Seshat’s palm. It is far weaker than its third layer counterpart, though it tracks its targets competently at all ranges.[/indent][/indent] [/indent] [indent][u]■ Third Layer[/u] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Wadjet’s Protection[/u] [indent]Only useable on the third layer. Seshat raises her arm and uses her suit’s energy shield to reflect attacks, sending melee opponents flying back and sending projectiles back towards their origin. It does not repel throws, however.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Pakhet’s Ray[/u] [indent]Only useable on the third layer. Six laser cannons unfold from the back of Sashet’s armor and fire. The lasers will travel at the speed of light, but the cannons take a second to unfold each time they fire.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Maahes’ Blessing[/u] [indent]Only useable on the third layer. Seshat aims her rifle and fires a ball of holy fire at the ground from its grenade launcher. It will stay there until an opponent gets too close to it, in which case it will explode.[/indent][/indent] [/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Exceed Orbit[/u] [indent]A small drone pops out from Seshat’s power armor. This drone automatically intercepts one projectile every second with a quick laser beam. It’s destroyed if hit with a melee attack, however.[/indent][/indent] [/indent] [indent][u]■ Second Layer[/u] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Khnum’s Charge[/u] [indent]Only useable on the second layer. Seshat holds her tower shield forwards and charges towards the enemy. If an attack hits her before she reaches the opponent, she’ll swipe it aside with her shield and stab forwards with her spear, covering a surprising amount of distance.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Set’s Storm[/u] [indent]Only useable on the second layer. Seshat holds her spear skywards and utters an ancient spell. Lightning shoots down onto the head of the spear, which then arcs into the surrounding area.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Maahes’ Strength[/u] [indent]Only useable on the second layer. Seshat swings her shield forwards, breaking an opponent’s guard, and then steps forwards, ramming it into them.[/indent][/indent] [/indent] [/indent] [indent][u]■ Final Layer[/u] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Aten's Light[/u] [indent]Only useable on the final layer. Seshat’s body flares for a moment before arcane energies expand to form a deadly sphere of holy fire around her.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][u]■ Zero Shift[/u] [indent]Seshat’s signature technique, only useable on the final layer. Seshat’s form shimmers for the slightest of moments before she instantly appears in a different location.[/indent][/indent] [/indent] [/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ Assault Armor[/u] [indent]An improved version of Aten’s Light. Seshat sheds an entire layer of armor at once in a blinding explosion of ki and magical energies that does tremendous damage. The only viable way to use this technique is when she is on her third or second layer. Using the technique without channeling the stress into her armor would result in her death.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Mafdet Missile Massacre[/u] [indent]Seshat shoots her palms forwards and channels magic through her fingers, shooting off ten glowing magic missiles that track their target. If she is still on the third layer, she will supplement this with fireballs generated from her suit’s missile launchers, bringing the total projectile count up to forty-two.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Beyond the Bounds[/u] [indent]Only useable on the final layer. Seshat flies forwards in an all-or-nothing rush and slashes at her foe with all her might. She will then constantly Zero Shift around the opponent while striking at various angles several times. After the opponent is staggered, she roars and tackles them to the ground, forgoing her blade in favor of using her brute strength to beat them down with her bare fists, which crack down as she does so. She finishes by drawing the shattered khopesh that serves as her core from her body and stabbing it into her opponent, repairing the damage to her fists before she melds it back into herself.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Seshat’s moves are specialized enough to do well in certain situations, but the layers of armor they are tied to are far less durable than a Nomad who made these their focus would be, even if that durability adds up. If her current moveset has an advantage, then she’ll need to fight well to maintain it. On the third layer, while she can fight defensively at longer ranges, her damage output is lacking. Her melee skills are also lacking while she’s holding her rifle, and she is very susceptible to throws. Her mobility is also abysmal, leaving it easy for faster foes to get into her vulnerable range. On the second layer, she fares better offensively, but she has no way of fighting opponents at long ranges. Her slower style lends her best to poking away at mid range along with the occasional charge. Her shield bashes are powerful at very close ranges, but they’re rather sluggish. On the final layer, Seshat is at her fastest and most powerful, with skills suited to fighting opponents up close and personal, but she is also at her weakest; an almost literal glass cannon not much more durable than a regular human. Under all that armor lies the most fragile nomad of all. Seshat can progress through her layers of armor at her own pace, but she has no way of getting them back in the middle of battle. If she misjudges her opponent, she may have screwed herself out of an advantage. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [youtube][/youtube] [indent][indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Jill Breicen] [center] [img][/img][hr] [hr] [h2]⦋ [b]26[/b] || [b]American[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]In keeping with a stereotype she really had no need of following, Jill looks more like some sort of anime cowgirl than any normal person from her region, complete with big high boots, stetson hat, and a leather… jacket. Long blonde hair goes down past her shoulders and frames some nice blue eyes, a pretty nose, and (on a good day) a smile that could take on the world. She wears a red bandanna around her neck, and she wears a white tank top under her jacket that shows both her toned arms and a bit of cleavage from her respectable chest, though she’s fine with swapping it out for a long-sleeved white t-shirt if the weather inclines her to. She wears form-fitting jeans that show off her similarly toned legs. She speaks with a notable Southern accent, and she carries a black guitar case on her back, containing both a pristine acoustic guitar and the Blaze Driver belt she uses to transform. Her transformed state itself is something that seems to have leapt straight out of a tokusatsu show (which in a way, it did), covered in deep blues, whites, and white-blues. The helmet bears resemblance to a motorcycle helmet, with a prominent metal chin guard. An ethereal blueish-white scarf trails behind her, resting on deep blue shoulder pads. The outfit is capped off by striking white gauntlets and knee-high boots. She’s accompanied by a small floating drone designated P1T-5T0P (nicknamed Pit Stop), that fits into her bike and serves as her cameraman, as well as a repair crew during combat when she’s too occupied to do so herself. [/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent] -Hot-blooded -Thrill-seeker -Jovial -Strong sense of justice balanced by a hint of pragmatism -Appreciates etiquette -Totally not a huge nerd.[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]A little over 100 years ago, in the aftermath of the first World War, there was a man by the name of Ryuji Raiden (or at least, that’s what he said it was). Showing up with a bolt of lightning, he would leap off of his motorcycle and dispatch evil (particularly other ki users) with furious fists of flame and fascinating gadgets. A pretty eccentric guy, but with enough charisma to become quite the topic of interest as he spread justice across the nation. His exploits only grew in number and notoriety, culminating in an incident in the aftermath of World War 2 where he allegedly fought against a kaiju, though whether or how much of that actually happened and how much credit he deserved for it remains unclear. As he participated in operations around the world, he eventually reached celebrity status, turning to decadence, with a radio drama being made based on his journeys. Things eventually began to slow down, though. The guy was getting old, and between the money he was making from the entertainment industry and the various grants he was getting for some of his gadgets meant it was time for him to finally settle down and spend time with his family, training his son in his martial arts as well as checking in to see how the new official “Lightning Rider” television show was doing every once in awhile. In his final days, he had a secret to share. Ryuji Raiden had slept around. Like, a lot. More than any defender of justice should have, though really everyone should have seen it coming. If he’d been to a country on a mission, chances were there was at least one sweetheart there, and if there was a sweetheart, there was a decent chance that there was an illegitimate child, too. He had decided to split his fortune equally across his descendants before he passed, and they eventually convened to discuss what to do with all that money. After lengthy debate, they decided to establish the hero organization “SHINING”, dedicated to funding good old-fashioned superheroism in Japan, America, and later, most of Europe. They also continued their father’s legacy by forming a team of heroes known as the Justice Riders, using vehicles and special transformations to uphold justice across the world. The merchandise and TV show changed to match, the “Justice Riders” show in particular being popular worldwide despite a low budget. They did well at keeping the peace, becoming a world-renowned force of Nomads prized for their ability to get especially visible results. Jill Breicen is one of those descendants, and she grew up with her younger sister dreaming of living up to the greatness of her family history. Now, she carries on their legacy as a new Justice Rider, blazing a trail of justice across the land… All while gathering footage for the show, of course.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u][indent] In addition to respectable strength, durability, senses and reflexes, Jill is well-trained in her family’s very own Justice Rider style, passed down and refined through generations of laying triumphant beatdowns to dastardly villains. Getting up close and personal and using heavy punches, kicks, and grapples, every move is imbued with stylistic flair that would make any of them look great on a poster (and apparently do, according to product sales numbers). Her ki talents mostly involve creating “hard light” barriers and projections that she uses to defend herself from attacks and create platforms, but its true potential is squandered on its own. Enter her own personal Trailblazer style and her incarnation of the family’s signature motorcycle; Cloud Nine. Weighing in at 621 pounds and boasting an extremely powerful three-way hybrid engine that can run on gasoline, electricity, and ki, this absolute monster of a vehicle requires a special kind of insanity to even drive, let alone use in combat. The Trailblazer style revolves around this, using the machine’s ample supplies of mass and velocity to charge forwards and demolish whatever happens to be in her path at the moment, whether that be through elaborate powerslides, jumps, and wheelies, or simply charging towards an opponent at high speeds, using both her ki talents and the bike’s bulk to shrug off attacks and ram them off the road. The Starbolt is used in conjunction with the Blaze Suit’s increased strength to both grab opponents, and to attach the end to the bike itself and fling it around like an oversized morning star. She can use her ki powers to create ramps and platforms to bring the bike into the air or even across walls. Very unrefined as a martial art, but nothing to scoff at when every attack almost literally hits like a truck. Both styles are further reinforced by the EX-ACT system. Both the bike and suit run in part off of the user’s ki, which can be stored in up to three EX-Cells and three EX-Seeds connected to the Blaze Driver, and these are each tied to fire and electricity, respectively. Cells can be expended to bring some fabulous flames to Cloud Nine’s attacks, and Seeds can be used to shock and stun opponents on foot. The handlebars of her bike can each be charged with ki to form a weapon. The left handlebar turns into a sword known as the Blaze Slicer, while the right handlebar forms the Starbolt Whip. [/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Come on, Cloud Nine!/Pit Stop!][/u] Any Stance [indent]Jill either summons Cloud Nine onto the stage or somersaults off of it and sends it away. While it's gone, P1T-5T0P controls the bike while repairing whatever damage it may have incurred. While she’s on it, the drone patches up any damage to her own equipment.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [EX-Charge][/u] Any Stance [indent]Jill revs her bike to fill an EX-Cell, or turns the key in her belt to charge an EX-Seed.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Trailblaze!][/u] Any Stance Trailblaze EX: Trailblazer Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 Ex-Seed [indent]Jill uses her ki to create a hard light object, be that a ramp, a platform, or tracks for Cloud Nine to stick onto, that fades after a few seconds. Trailblaze EX creates a flaming or electrified wall of light emanating from behind her bike that can be used to control space in the playing field for a while… provided that she doesn’t run into it herself. [/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Burning Blue Kick!][/u] Any Stance Burning Blue Kick EX: Any Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 EX-Seed Dragon Bolt Kick: Any Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell and 1 EX-Seed [indent]A variation of the iconic and powerful leaping kick, Jill leaps into the air from either the ground or her bike and sails downwards towards her opponent with a foot outstretched, rebounding off of them if it hits and landing back on the bike if it was initiated from the Trailblazer style. The move can be strengthened with either EX-cells or EX-seeds to provide a little bit of extra oomph with fire or electricity, respectively. If both are used at the same time, the move becomes Dragon Bolt Kick, a spinning dive kick surrounded by a maelstrom of fire and lightning. Things defeated by this move have been known to inexplicably explode afterwards.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Justice Break][/u] Trailblazer Stance Justice Break EX: Trailblazer Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell [indent]Cloud Nine’s engine roars as Jill drives straight towards her opponent, using her ki to form a giant plow that gives her a few hits of super armor while she charges at them. The EX version of the attack is far faster, crossing the stage almost instantly.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Cloud PLASMA][/u] Trailblazer Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell and/or EX-Seed [indent]Jill stops and transforms Cloud Nine into an obnoxiously large cannon that rests on her shoulder. It can either shoot a large fireball or a giant burst of electricity using their respective containers. Both can be used at once to create an even more damaging plasma shot that busts through projectile shields and countermeasures. All shots are very fast, hit hard, and fire faster than most other projectiles, but drawn back by the ammo count and time taken transforming the bike.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Power Slide!][/u] Trailblazer Stance Power Slide EX: Trailblazer Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell [indent]Jill charges towards her opponent as if using Justice Crash before faking out at the last moment by leaning heavily to one side, turning and sweeping at the opponent’s legs with the back wheels before speeding back to her previous position. Power Slide EX engages the vehicle’s thrusters, coating the opponent in flames.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Burnout Twist!][/u] Trailblazer Stance, requires 1-3 EX-Cells [indent]Jill spins the bike in a circle, flames spraying around her as she moves forwards. It doesn’t come out as fast as many of her other moves or do as much damage initially, but she can repeat this move once or twice more depending on how many EX-Cells she has stored. As she needs to focus on righting her course after the initial spins, she’s left open if she misses.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [EX-Flare][/u] Trailblazer Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 EX-Seed [indent]Jill draws a weapon from her bike, but coats it in flames or electricity.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Vanquish Buster!][/u] Ground Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 EX-Seed [indent]Jill grabs her enemy, taking them into the air before turning them upside down as they fall, smashing them into the ground head-first.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Jetstream Slam!][/u] Ground Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 EX-Seed [indent]Jill dashes towards the enemy at high speeds with a hand outstretched, grabbing them by the face and slamming them into the ground.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Rolling Thunder!][/u] Ground Stance Rolling Thunder EX: Burning Bolt Stance, requires 1 EX-Cell or 1 EX-Seed [indent]Jill rears back for a moment before throwing all her might into a punch that will send most foes sprawling. Being heavily telegraphed and without much range, it only becomes truly useful when the EX effects are applied, coating her body in flames or electricity that punish any incoming melee attacks while she charges up an elemental punch.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [EX-MAX: Cloud Nine’s True Fury!][/u] Trailblazer Stance, requires all 3 EX-Cells and all 3 EX-Seeds [indent][Nine Breaker and its predecessors were intended to combine with similar vehicles from heroes across Jill’s family tree to form a giant mecha for when shit [i]really[/i] hits the fan. Though that hasn’t happened for decades, Jill won’t let this go to waste: Charging forwards, she dismounts Cloud Nine as it turns into a giant fist that connects to Jill by sprouting various cords as engines are sent into overdrive, scorching anything behind her in a sea of flame. A sonic boom is created followed by a sickening crunch as she hits the target with a blow meant to take down a kaiju. Though it’s an absolutely devastating attack, the function was obviously never intended to be used on its own this way, and Cloud Nine will need a minute for repairs at the very least before it can be called upon once more. Really not something she uses too often.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Henshin Burnout][/u] Any Stance [indent]Jill strikes a pose and allows Pit Stop to transform and attach itself to her as armor, transforming into Blaze Burnout. In this form, in addition to a small offensive and defensive buff, she gains access to a fourth EX-Seed and Cell through integrating Pit Stop with the rest of the system as well as a switch on her arm that allows her to enter a state known as Full Throttle, which charges the EX system automatically at a rapid pace that allows her to keep up a more consistent offensive with her charged attacks. Full throttle can only be held up to a minute, however. If kept up any longer, she’ll burn out, losing her stored EX charges and locking out Full Throttle, setting her back to her usual methods of charging for half a minute. Since Pit Stop is busy with the transformation, he can’t be used to repair the bike or control it remotely. [/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Cho-Henshin! Blaze EXtreme: Adolescent EXon][/u] Trailblazer Stance [indent]Jill kicks both the EX system, Pit Stop, and the bike past their limits. Their forms seem to lose their definition until they fuse into one entity, not quite man or machine. An entity known as an EXon. Eight feet tall, coated in extremely tough armor plating, and with an engine running so strong that it distorts time and gravity, the way EXtreme moves becomes extremely erratic; normally moving at a snail’s pace, unable to even jump and taking slow and uneasy steps as she struggles against her own intensified gravity, but moves extremely quickly when attacking, distorting time to create sudden bursts of strength and speed too fast for the mind to process, with a body constantly coated in electricity and extreme heat that brings with it the power of an electrified firestorm. Due to her armor and sheer weight, she becomes almost impossible to knock down in this state. She loses access to her bike attacks, but her remaining moves change in the process: [hider] [indent][u]Trailblaze[/u] [indent]With a wheel on her left arm, Jill can simply move it to create a an electrified, flaming barrier that blocks attacks to her head or body, doing minor damage from those elements if struck in melee. With her general loss in agility, it can’t be used to block low attacks. The trail breaks more easily than Trailblaze in her normal state, but is guaranteed to block at least one hit before breaking.[/indent] [u]Rolling Thunder:[/u] [indent]Comes out far faster (though not as fast as her normals in this form) and stronger, sending opponents flying. Powerful enough to send an additional, blockable wave of air forwards after the attack that does little damage, but still strong enough to knock a foe off balance. Useful to move in a bit closer while the opponent is staggering.[/indent] [u]Burning Blue Kick[/u] [indent]Being constantly pulled towards the earth, she can’t jump high enough to get nearly as much distance out of this move, tensing for a third of a second to do a glorified dropkick and only travelling a couple meters before hitting the ground and rising from her knees. Par for the course, its power and speed are increased to match, making it look like she simply warped a short distance to the casual observer, but sends any opponent caught flying. Does less damage than Rolling Thunder, and if it misses she’ll spend spend a couple seconds rising to her feet.[/indent] [u]Vanquish Buster[/u] [indent]Jill instantly grabs her opponent and swings backwards, throwing them behind her hard enough to create an indent in the earth.[/indent] [u]Jetstream Slam[/u] [indent]The initial dash is no longer performed: Jill has to be right next to her opponent to pull it off. Her hand shoots out at astronomical speeds and simply lifts the opponent up and slams them into the ground in front of her, leaving a crater. She spends a few seconds getting back off her knees afterwards.[/indent] [/indent] As EXtreme kicks Jill’s key output far beyond safe and normal levels, the EX system is considered fully charged for the duration of the transformation. [/hider] Though the bike essentially gives her a second healthbar of “armor” in this form, the stress that the transformation places on her mind and body is enough to constantly drain her own vitality regardless of whether the armor is broken through. At most, she can sustain it for up to 99 seconds. After this time limit, or if she decides to cancel the transformation, the three defuse and Jill is left unable to stand and struggling to stay conscious. Though EXtreme has yet to develop and metamorphose into a more refined entity, its drawbacks mean that it is rarely ever used outside of emergencies. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Jill can deliver some righteous beatdowns, but she needs breathing room to pull it off. EX Attacks can be devastating, but if an attack doesn’t require EX-ACT to function, it’s likely to require it to get the most out of the move or even for it to be useful in the first place. Persistent opponents that can prevent her from charging will practically cripple her. Despite having many attacks that work at range, she can’t take advantage of the safety that range gives her: She’s all about charging in and using that momentum to keep the attacks coming. In addition, while she’s a master at her own method of combat, she never bothered to learn much of the Justice Rider style. If she’s kept away from her bike, she won’t be nearly as effective. While the Trailblazer style is a recent, largely unknown creation, the Burning Bolt style has been televised often enough to be known to fans across the world. It doesn’t take much research to know what moves she’ll be using ahead of time. Being quite the thrill-seeker, Jill will tend towards the more dramatic and flashy option whenever she can justify indulging herself, even if there’s a less risky option available. [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] Most of Jill’s equipment is of her own design, including Pit Stop. [/hider] [hider=Jasmine Breicen] [center][h1][b]Jasmine Breicen[/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]20[/b] || [b]American[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Standing at 5 feet and six inches, Jasmine looks cute, but rather unassuming for a Nomad, clad in jeans and a gray hoodie with a Justice Rider T-shirt underneath. A head full of raven black hair and blue eyes framed by large spectacles sticks out from between her shoulders, and she usually carries a large leatherbound book around with her. A plump, mysterious black bat can always be seen somewhere nearby, with a grin and cackle that suggest that it maybe isn’t quite a bat. In combat, she transforms into something between a witch and a magical girl, with a jet black dress, thigh highs, and classic conical hat highlighted by a pink visor and staff with a glowing heart at the tip.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent]Jasmine is... Upbeat Sarcastic Dependant Isn’t taking this too seriously Clearly spends too much time on the internet A little shy But still loves positive attention While Beelzebub is... Gluttonous Jolly Unfazed And loves to laugh[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]So picture this, right? You’re this powerful demon of gluttony… What? Yeah, I know, it’s pretty tough to imagine. Being as great as I am and all. But just try and stick with me, kid. Anyways, this demon, he’s raked up quite a haul over the course of eternity. Gold, souls, booze, cute succubus secretaries, you name it. It’s kinda like the world’s coolest siesta. Except way longer. So this demon doesn’t really give too much of a damn about too much at the time. So when this witch comes knocking offering up her and every firstborn daughter in her family's’ souls for access to his awesome magical power, who is he to say no? It’s a great investment when all you have to do is spend some time up in the mortal realm. So centuries go by. It’s all kinda the same schtick. Merge some of your power with a witch, go on wacky adventures, take her soul when she dies, bond with her kid right after they're born, it all goes on. Then this new kid comes along, this Jaine chick, and she decides she’s going to become a lawyer. Which is fine, until she decides to take another look at that dusty old contract. Now, the thing about demon legalese is that it’s a bit tough even for some of us demons to wrap our heads around. Or maybe I’m just a bit slow. Apparently I’m not any good at writing the damned things, because apparently there’s tons of holes in the wording. And not the good ol’ demon classic “you shoulda read the fine print” kind. So one crazy court session too (because I guess those exist now), and this little deal ain’t lookin so one-sided anymore. Everything’s crazy. Now it’s the second-born child. Now you can’t have their souls, just a fraction of their ki. Now you need to give the kid their own little wish if they wanna join in on this whole faustian pact business. Talk about a rotten turn of events, I tell ya. And this new kid I’m working with, Jasmine? She’s really something else, I tell ya. Jaine had two kids, but I didn’t even know her second-born was a daughter until her nineteenth birthday. Taking that long to come out, it really messes with the whole routine, you know? All she wanted out of me was a new body, though, which is way easier than anything I was expecting to have to do. She’s so grateful about it, too, almost makes me feel bad. Her dad's side of the family is trying to spin her as one of those magical girl things, too. They're making those Japanese cartoon things and everything. Guess you can't walk five steps these days without someone trying to make a profit off ya. But there’s something big going down in the world of mortals, and she’s gonna help me get something really nice to eat out of it.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]While she can use her staff in a pinch, Jasmine never learned how to fight hand to hand. Instead, she uses the dark arts, relying on the raw power gained through her pact with Beelzebub to come out on top. Her magic is nothing complex, mostly consisting of a library of simple elemental spells, but it's extremely powerful. Her true specialty lies in aerial combat: In the air, her spells have a drastically reduced prep time at the cost of being only slightly weaker, and they're supplemented by a variety of aerial movement techniques to zip around the arena. However, she can only use an aerial spell once before she hits the ground.[/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ Hell's Grimoire[/u] [indent]Jasmine opens her tome and reads a short passage of info about the enemy. If she is attacked before she actually starts reading, she counters the attack by hitting them with the book. If she pulls it out in the air, she can use the book as a quick aerial parry.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Enemy Step[/u] [indent]Jasmine kicks into her enemy and uses them as a platform to jump off of. She leeches off a bit of ki in the process, recharging any spells she's used during an air combo.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Air Hike[/u] [indent]Jasmine creates a platform under her feet with ki for a midair jump and sprouts a beautiful pair of butterfly wings for a quick air dash, slower descent and increased air control. [/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Air Ride[/u] [indent]Jasmine rides her staff like a broomstick to fly. In this state, she can fly indefinitely and shoot a constant stream of magical projectiles. They are weak, however, and do not hitstun. Using this move depletes all spell charges until she lands.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ REOdyssey[/u] [indent]The rim of Jasmine’s hat becomes incredibly sharp as she throws it forwards like a frisbee. It moves forwards a set distance before spinning in place for a couple seconds and returning to Jasmine’s hand. She can use this as a platform for another jump.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Hellfire[/u] [indent]Jasmine shoots a ball of hellfire almost as big as her own body at her opponent. In the air, she quickly shoots a trio of fireballs that propels her backwards.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Chilling Gale [/u] [indent]Jasmine sends a trio of large, tough to see sickles of air at her opponent. In the air, it creates a tornado under her that she can ride on for a little while.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Icicle Spear[/u] [indent]Grisly spears of ice come up straight from the ninth circle, under her opponent's feet. In the air, she turns upside down and shoots a freezing jet of water from her hand that quickly hardens into supernaturally cold ice, trapping any opponent that gets caught and providing a handy pillar platform.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Thunder[/u] [indent]Jasmine creates a thundercloud that advances slowly in a straight line, shooting down a steady stream of lightning all the way. She can jump on this and use it as a platform. In the air, she shoots out some weak yet plentiful arcs of lightning.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ The Devil's Music[/u] [indent]Jasmine summons a magical saxophone and plays a little tune. This creates three large magical bubbles that slowly float forwards in a sine wave pattern. These orbs explode violently if touched or struck, though they don't harm Jasmine and she can use them for a nice extra jump if need be. In the air, she simply says “doot,” and only creates one bubble.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ Demonic Meggido in Rhapsody: Bullet Hell[/u] [indent]Beelzebub flies forwards and multiplies into an innumerable swarm of flaming bats, flying together in tough to dodge formations. Each bat explodes on contact, though at the end, the real Beelzebub will latch onto the opponents face and start biting until he can be thrown off.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Hell's Maw[/u] [indent]Befitting of his status as Demon of Gluttony, Beelzebub expands to a massive size and flops forwards in an attempt to devour the opponents. Most Nomads will simply get chewed up and spat back out at a high velocity, though extremely weak opponents can be devoured whole if he so chooses. If he eats a projectile, he will simply swallow it, healing both himself and Jasmine proportionally to the power of the attack.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Seventh Plague[/u] [indent]Beelzebub lets Jasmine go full ham as she shoots down an incredibly powerful volley of fire, hail, and lightning directly below her in a cone-shaped radius. This move is more effective depending on how much height Jasmine has over her opponent.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]While Jasmine’s ground spells pack a punch, they take long enough to prepare that they frankly leave her wide open. She also possesses next to no melee training or ability in general. As an aerial fighter, she relies heavily on open space and a lack of anti air moves keeping her grounded. While Beelzebub does a good job of covering for Jasmine’s lack of skill, he can only go so far.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]What else?[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Isabella Levai] [center][h1][b]Justice Rider Sombra[/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]66[/b] || [b]Spain[/b] || [b]Male[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]At six feet and three inches, Isabella has an intimidating yet beautiful aura, showing few signs of aging. He has ambiguously brown skin and a near-permanent frown, but the first thing one will likely notice about him is his massive, full head of unkempt yet luxurious, snow white hair that stretches down to his knees. When transformed, he slightly increases in size while donning armor resembling a cross between typical Justice Rider garb and the armor of an ancient dark knight, covered in plate with a glowing blue visor shining behind a slitted metal faceplate. His helmet features a prominent set of horn-like protrusions, and features an opening in the back from which his hair spills out.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent]-Quiet -Grumpy -Irritable -Blunt -Disillusioned -Has trouble expressing himself[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]Born from the union of a human and a demon, Isabella grew up raised by his demonic parent. Their financial status was… inconsistent, and Isabella had to help make ends meet. Growing into a passionate young man with a growing sense of frustration, he was eventually approached by SHADER, a secret organization bent on creating a utopian society through cybernetics, genetic modification, and the occult. He accepted their request to join them, and after thorough testing, he was bonded with the demon Leviathan and gifted the Infernal Gear, a cursed device that allowed him to utilize the full power of his demonic blood. A firm believer in SHADER’s ideals, he became a highly valued operative that eventually came into conflict with the then newly-formed Justice Riders. He fought the original team of five many times, though after being convinced of the true nature of SHADER’s activities, he officially joined the team as the sixth Justice Rider: Justice Rider Sombra. After defeating SHADER, he remained an effective and popular member of both the Justice Riders and SHINING, a popular trait being his cold, silent attitude, though he retained a major rebellious streak with a particular dislike of the direction the organization was taking. Now, he lacks much of his former influence. Still an effective combatant, he often works in the shadows, doing the work SHINING would rather not have broadcasted. Though whether he truly remains loyal to the organization is a mystery... [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]As a Nomad, Isabella never pulls his punches. He uses his own take on the Justice Rider style, focused on blunt, powerful strikes to vital areas. He’ll do whatever he can to end the fight and end it fast. In addition, he is still possessed by Leviathan, who uses his hair as a medium to tear through the enemy from behind. By loading bullets formed from his own dark ki into the Infernal Gear and pulling the trigger, he can transform into an armored demonic form that allows him to reach his true potential. Armed with a morphing Guitar/Axe/Sword combo known as the Dark Shredder, he can execute opponents as well as charm Leviathan with its infernal tunes to achieve a greater degree of control.[/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ It’s Personal, Alright[/u] [indent]If an opponent moves directly behind Isabella’s back, Leviathan immediately responds by forming his hair into a serpent’s maw and rising to grab and slam the enemy into the ground. This move doesn't work if Isabella is in the middle of another attack.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Hell’s Roar[/u] [indent]In Axe Mode, Isabella strums a chord on his guitar and creates a ghastly amount of reverb, causing Leviathan to lash out and let loose a deafening roar that resonates violently with the very soul. This does no damage, but staggers enemies momentarily.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Dark Advance[/u] [indent]In Axe Mode, Isabella turns around and plays a quiet, beautiful melody, causing Leviathan to manifest as an ambiguous beast that purrs and flattens into a wall that absorbs incoming weak projectiles and blocks up to a single attack as he walks backwards, towards the enemy.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Devil Buster[/u] [indent]In Axe Mode, Isabella strums a chord as he turns around, causing Leviathan to manifest as a giant claw and grab at the opponent. If he grabs an opponent, Isabella will play three more chords as Leviathan slams the opponent back and forth over his head. If Leviathan grabs a suitable projectile, Isabella spins around again as the pair throws it right back with increased force.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Stinger[/u] [indent]In Sword Mode, Isabella quickly slides a few feet across the ground with sword outstretched in a stabbing position.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Chilling Slice[/u] [indent]In Axe Mode, Isabella steps forward and swings the Dark Shredder at lightning speed, aimed at a vital area.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Beast of the Depths[/u] [indent]In Axe Mode, Isabella uses the Dark Shredder to snag the opponent from underneath and toss them behind him into Leviathan’s waiting maw with a quick chord, biting them with impossibly sharp teeth before tossing them aside.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ Chokehold[/u] [indent]In Sword Mode, Isabella lifts his opponent by the neck and squeezes hard before tossing them aside.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ Darkness Advent[/u] [indent]Isabella charges large amounts of darkness from the surrounding area into his foot, then performs his own variation of the iconic leaping kick at his opponent. The dark energy swirls throughout the opponent’s body before turning into jagged spines as it attempts to leave through the skin and return to its original position, manifesting as a black explosion.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Leviathan’s Wrath[/u] [indent]An enhanced version of Devil Buster, where Leviathan grabs and continues to slam the opponent until they manage to escape.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ Jet Black[/u] [indent]Isabella summons his own Rider Machine; a modified Harrier Jet called Jet Black, to hover over the arena and attack with a full arsenal of machine guns, missiles, and bombs. It takes half a minute to arrive after being called, and leaves once it either sustains sufficient damage or runs out of ammunition.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Though intimidating, Isabella’s greatest weakness is a lack of range and mobility. He excels at an unflinching advance, but opponents who can manage to keep away regardless will have him at a major disadvantage. In the few situations where he can be summarily outmatched in a straight-up brawl, he also lacks the mobility or versatility to come up with a decent response.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]Though anyone can use the Infernal Gear, when used by a non-demon, it will eat at the user’s soul in exchange for its power.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Rosier “Rosie” LeVai] [center][h1][b][img][/img][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]??[/b] || [b]N/A[/b] || [b]Undefined[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube] [/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]With high heeled boots, a 6’10” stature (with those heels), long hair, and some well-applied makeup, one might have trouble determining Rosie’s gender before they figure out his status as a Nomad. His skin tone is a light bronze, while his eyes are a clear shade of hazel. His clothes never seem to stray from grays and blacks, never hitting a true white or any flashier colors. He has that confident, satisfied look in his eye, and the way he proudly walks around with one hand on his hip and another on the straps of his tote bag seem to give the impression that he knows what he’s doing and what he’s after, even when he really doesn’t. His right eye is constantly covered by his thick brown hair, and he’s somewhat protective of whatever might be lying under it. He speaks in a rather flamboyant manner, and though little phases someone as old as him, he often shifts his tone in irritating, condescending ways when he wishes to mock someone.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent][list] [*]Flamboyant [*]Condescending [*]Flamboyant [*]Teasing [*]Domineering [*]Somewhat Existential [*]Appreciates Beauty [*]Something of an environmentalist [/list][/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]A very, very long time ago, Rosier was an angel. He likes to say that he was a pretty important one, too. When he's asked about why he isn't one anymore, his answer often changes. Sometimes he says that he was a little too zealous. Sometimes he answers that he simply got bored, or that being a perfect embodiment of light and good was too stressful. Regardless, he was a demon from that point on, a creature of lust and temptation. He enjoyed his job for the most part, though for whatever reason, he sometimes felt like his heart just wasn't in it. It was only around the mid-1940’s when he really began to realize his true calling: Art. There was something that struck him about Earth’s natural beauty. It wasn’t eternally perfect like in his first home, nor was it eternally tarnished like in his second. It was varied, fleeting, and somewhere in between the two extremes. It was something he felt deserved to captured. He began to travel across the world, painting whatever he found to be worth painting, and making a quick buck selling whatever he thought was worth sharing. While it was something of an odd set of decades for the devil, it was very much fulfilling, and he never stopped travelling regardless of what friends or foes he made along the way. He was going to capture as much of the world as he could behind a canvas. As well as brush up on his combat skills. Heavens knew there were plenty of roadblocks on his travels. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]Rosie has some dextrous, delicate hands, and he prefers not to get them dirty on those lesser Nomads. His palette knife is actually the sealed form of his long-cherished greatsword, Rembrandt, and by coating it in shadow, he can project a sharp blade similar to a real knife. He uses it in up-close encounters, with a style that’s a fine blend between Scherma di Stiletto Siciliano, Esgrima Criolla, and Fairbairn-Sykes. He’ll deftly dance around and counter blows as well as wrap his scarf or coat around his hand and use it to parry other lighter attacks, grabbing opponents and stabbing them where it hurts if he’s feeling particularly sadistic. If a bit more range and power is needed, he’ll put his legs to work with deadly ballerina-esque twirls as well as roundhouses, butterfly kicks, and axe kicks, coating his boots in shadow to turn them into almost literal stiletto heels. At range, using his paintbrush, he can leave ink in midair that can be used to make what he paints reality. With much room for creativity and stylistic flair, it’s his preferred method of fighting by a long shot. He can also gather the darkness, chaos, aggression, and similar concepts of his opponents to store and use to power up his next attack. At times, Rosie will use his BlackStar transformation, returning both him and his greatsword to their true shadowy forms as he dusts off his fast and brutal demonic fighting style. Rosie can sense ki.[/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [Cross Section][/u] [indent]Rosie grabs his paintbrush and quickly draws a line through his opponent, which cuts through them as if it were an imperceptibly fast swing from a very sharp sword. Best suited for long ranges, though it will cut through any obstacles or projectiles between them instead if at all possible.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Pointillist Barrage][/u] [indent]Rosie draws several dots over his opponent. When he finishes, gunshots sound from midair to turn those dots into bullet holes. Takes more time to set up than Cross Section, but can’t be blocked by thrown projectiles.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Dark Bomb][/u] [indent]Rosie draws a circle and draws a line through one of its edges, creating a large, cartoonish bomb with a lit fuse, exploding either after a few seconds or upon contact with an attack or enemy. Instead of flames, it explodes into a jet-black, ink-like sludge that impedes movement as it hardens. It will eventually crumble after a few seconds, an attack hits it, or the opponent manages to break free. If Rosie makes contact with the sludge while the opponent is mired in it, he can use the sludge as a conduit to absorb darkness from them. An undetonated bomb can be “paused” if he cuts the fuse with Cross Section, and “resumed” if he restores the fuse with his Restoration skill.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Gale Stroke][/u] [indent]Rosie draws a swirl in the air which materializes as a strong wind that rages for several seconds. Does no damage, but can slow opponents moving against the wind, be used to roll around a Dark Bomb, extend the distance of his Nevermore dash (in the direction the wind is blowing), and remove stage hazards that were set up.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Happy Little Trees][/u] [indent]Rosie draws a heavy dot into the ground, which manifests as a seed which erupts into a hearty, full-grown oak tree. It can send an unwary opponent skywards, but it can also be used as cover. It can be chopped down with Cross Section, allowing the tree to fall onto the enemy.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Restoration][/u] [indent]Rosie draws whatever was missing from a broken object, restoring it as if it had never been broken. For example, a tree that he had previously cut down, or a Dark Bomb with a cut fuse. It can be used out of combat, though it’s still limited to inorganic matter or plant life, and especially large or complex subjects may be too much for his power to handle.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Nevermore][/u] [indent]Feathered wings of shadow sprout from Rosie’s back for a moment, allowing for a quick burst of vertical or horizontal movement on the ground or in the air. If Gale Stroke is active, the distance of this dash increases dramatically. In BlackStar form, the move becomes Forevermore, and Rosie corkscrews through the air while forming a spear of shadow in front of him. If he uses the move to ascend upwards next to an opponent, they’re sliced and driven up with him by his wings.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Twilight Bliss][/u] [indent]Rosie spins in the air towards an opponent like a ballerina, with a leg extended. If he hits his target, he’ll catch them between his thigh and his lower leg. The momentum carries his opponent to the ground face-first as he sits on top of them and crushes them with his leg. While they’re restrained, he’ll tap into their essence, drawing the darkness from their heart and feeding on it, giving him some energy. He’ll use his other leg to push himself into the air and away from his opponent once he’s done.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Fallen Angel][/u] [indent]Rosie coats his heel in shadow and raises his leg high into the air for a devastating axe kick. If it hits, he grinds his heel into his downed opponent, gathering energy from them before punting them away. If the opponent is already on the ground, he elects to skip the kick. In BlackStar form, he launches four Star Thrusts into them after he lands the attack for additional damage.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Round Trip][/u] [indent]Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie throws his sword at his foe. It spins around a bit for additional damage before returning to him. In the meantime, he fights using a secondary knife made of shadows that works the same as his knife in his normal form.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Stinger][/u] [indent]Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie leaves a trail of dust behind him as he spreads his wings and zooms towards the enemy with Rembrandt held forwards, either on the ground or in the air. If it hits, a second, larger blade of shadow emanates from the hilt and slams into the opponent again for additional damage.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Star Thrust][/u] [indent]Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie summons a longsword made of darkness, similar to Rembrandt, behind himself that then sails through the air straight towards the enemy in an attempt to stab them.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [Break Time!][/u] [indent]Rosie traces his own shadow and walks off into the background, summoning a seat and some tea, coffee, or hot cocoa (or a glass of Amontillado, on occasion) with arcane magic. The traced shadow comes to life, fighting in his stead. Though it’s rather fragile and can’t use any of his painting attacks or BlackStar-exclusive moves, the shadow will try to keep the opponent at bay with a guard and the occasional prodding swing of the knife. In the meantime, he regenerates some health and gains energy for BlackStar until his shadow is dispersed.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [BlackStar][/u] [indent]Rosie’s body turns to shadows as he reveals his true demonic form. His strength and speed increases, Rembrandt’s blade extends as it returns to its true greatsword form, and he gets access to some moves he can’t use otherwise, but he loses access to his art-based special moves in this form.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Climax][/u] [indent]Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie dashes back and forth through his opponent, slicing through them several times, each time using Star Thrust to set up a sword aimed at them. He finishes by holding the sorry soul aloft by the neck and stabbing Rembrandt through them as all of the Star Thrusts finally activate and pincushion their target. He backflips away, congeals the darkness used to maintain his BlackStar form into a black rose centered around his brush, and throws it at Rembrandt, causing the darkness surrounding it and making up the Star Thrusts to explode. Rembrandt and the brush fly back into his hands as he and the blade return to their normal form.[/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Rosie fights only decently at close range and excels at longer ranges, but falters at medium ranges where Cross Section is the only attack with the lack of setup time he needs to be effective. Anyone with the luxury of fighting comfortably in that range can shut down his ability to fight back if they can keep up with his attempts to move out of it. In BlackStar form, the same concept applies to long-range combat while he covers his mid-range weaknesses. All of his paintbrush attacks are based on his own perception. If his vision is impaired, they become useless even if “aimed” correctly. Though he is immortal, Rosie needs strength to maintain his physical form, and it can be dispersed if he takes enough of a beating. At least, until he can gather enough darkness to remake it, though that could take a very long time. Though decent, his endurance is nothing special, and he is especially vulnerable to holy and light-based attacks. Rosie rarely treats his opponents as anything more than a nuisance, often viewing the challenges of those lesser beings as something not worth his time. When he begins taking his opponent seriously, they may easily have the advantage over him. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]Rosie donates a fair portion of the money he makes through selling art to various environmental protection and preservation organizations, though most of that goes into landscape preservation.[/indent][/indent] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider]