[Hider=Buford "Ford" Thomas] [center][h1][b][color=8facce][STUDENT APPLICATION SHEET][/color][/b][/h1][/center] [color=6A5ACD][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [center][img]http://watchersonthewall.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/kit-harington-kit-harington-36638854-1280-853.jpg[/img][/center] [color=6A5ACD][b]Name[/b][/color] Buford "Ford" Cannon [color=6A5ACD][b]Age[/b][/color] 21 [color=6A5ACD][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [color=6A5ACD][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=6A5ACD][b]Hometown[/b][/color] Savannah, Georgia [color=6A5ACD][b]Style[/b][/color] Comfortable clothes. [color=6A5ACD][b]Disposition[/b][/color] Relaxed, laid-back, enthusiastic [color=6A5ACD][b]Major[/b][/color] English [color=6A5ACD][b]Dorm Room[/b][/color] Floor 2 [color=6A5ACD][b]Likes & Dislikes[/b][/color] [color=lime]+[/color]Adventures [color=lime]+[/color]Meeting new people [color=lime]+[/color]Exchanging favors [color=lime]+[/color]Reading [color=lime]+[/color]Thinking waaaay too deeply about what he reads. [color=Red]-[/color]Being cramped up for too long [color=Red]-[/color]Being alone [color=Red]-[/color]Cops [color=Red]-[/color]Narcs [color=Red]-[/color]Buzzkills [color=6A5ACD][b]Interest/Hobbies[/b][/color] > Reading. Nothing better than cracking open a good book to have a good think about. > "Walkabouts." Basically, he'll just wander around the city and try to find something he hasn't seen or noticed before. Thanks to this he has a pretty good sense of where he is when he's in the city, but he does occasionally get lost. Of course, on a Walkabout this is fairly desirable. > Recreational Substances. Before anyone asks, yes. He does the weed. And a few psychedelics, though only rarely. [color=6A5ACD][b]Belief[/b][/color] "Life and your place in the world is what you make of it. Only you get to decide what you value and what you'll spend your time on." [color=6A5ACD][b]Drive[/b][/color] Connection [color=6A5ACD][b]Fear[/b][/color] Large insects. Any bigger than June bug and he's no fan. [color=6A5ACD][b]Regret[/b][/color] He didn't talk to that girl Samantha Willis when he was in highschool. He knew she was lonely. He knew she needed someone to talk to. Now she's gone. Ford will never let anyone go unacknowledged if he can help it, ever again. [color=6A5ACD][b]Secret[/b][/color] Ford's parents aren't his biological parents. He was adopted at age 13. [color=6A5ACD][b]Intellect[/b][/color] [0] Ford has never been known for his book learning or intelligence. There's a reason the only college he could get into was all the way in Alaska, and even then only barely. [color=6A5ACD][b]Social[/b][/color] [2] Ford's charismatic appeal is fairly polarizing. People either really enjoy his company, or find him intensely irritating, with very few in the middle ground. All in all, it means he's about average. [color=6A5ACD][b]Nerve[/b][/color] [5] Savannah, Georgia is known as the most haunted city in the US. You do not grow up in Savannah and end up bothered by the paranormal or weird shit happening around you. And of course, being a redneck means not being bothered by the threat of personal injury. You don't go out and try to wrestle a deer because you're known for your cowardice. [color=6A5ACD][b]Endurance[/b][/color] [0] Ford is a bit of a smoker, so he's not got much endurance as far as running, jumping, or climbing. He prefers to drive, and generally doesn't work out. That he's still somehow as skinny as he is has been a point of baffled contention among many in his life. [color=6A5ACD][b]Awareness[/b][/color] [0] Ford is probably not best described as being unaware so much as prone to tunnel vision and apathy. In his small corner of hickville, it was pretty damn normal to have weird shit happen around you. [color=6A5ACD][b]Resources[/b][/color] [6] Ford knows everyone. People owe him favors, and he knows who to talk to if he wants something. It's like a superpower. He hasn't been up in Alaska long, but he already has friends in town who owe him favors or have access to whatever one might need. Add on to this what he calls his "magic backpack" that is filled to the brim with random shit that might one day be useful, and you've got a man who always seems to have what is needed. [/hider]