[center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5248501.png[/img][/center] [center] [sub] Interacting with Bobby [@Aerandir] and Lyra [@hotsyrup] [/sub][/center] The entrance of the injured hunter was like kicking the hornet's nest. All around people sprung into action. Some running to help the man, some running towards the danger the man was running from. Emiliah caught sight of the man’s face while he was laid out on the table. A flicker of recognition ate at the back of her mind, but the name utterly escaped her. She was rotten when it came to healing. Every hunter knew the basics, keep it clean, pressure. Basically enough to keep oneself (and others) alive long enough to seek actual help. She probably could have made more of an effort to aid the healer, but there were plenty of others far more capable of helping. A few left the Tavern to head out to assess the risk, but Emiliah was far more keen to see what she was facing before charging at it head on. The best way to figure that out, was to wait for the hunter to awaken enough to tell them. Besides, it was clear that whatever it was wasn’t waiting for them just outside the tavern. In a town of hunters, for any magical creature to step foot in it would be near suicide. “Can you help me with something? There’s this… man and I’m… worried.” Emiliah tore her eyes away from the unconscious man, her eye focusing on the pretty girl hoovering near Bobby’s shoulder. An uncomfortable icy feeling spread from her stomach throughout her body as the girl spoke. Emiliah has been in enough taverns to know that a few things could worry a girl there, none of them good. Before Bobby could respond, Emiliah teacher out a hand, grasping the girls arm and gently pulling her out of the crowd. “[color=9966CC]Hey Bobby, I got this, you keep your tavern from getting too many blood stains[/color],” “Whatever ye day Lass, but ‘m right here is ya need anything” He gave a finally look towards the trio, before muttering something and turning back to the scene at hand. “[color=9966CC]Lyra? It’s Lyra right?[/color]” Said Emiliah quickly, she remembered running into the girl earlier in the week. “[color=9966CC]I’m Emiliah, we met earlier. What seems to be the problem?[/color]” A loud thunk echoed around the room. The man’s injured figure had managed to slip from the table and straight into the lap of the healer. In an instant the face clicked in her mind. “[color=9966CC]Fucking Flint[/color],” she whispered just loud enough for the girl to hear. [center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5248721.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Talking with Celosia[@Kitty] and Mat [@TheDoctor] [/sub] [/center] A loud crack echoed through the air and Taran’s vision flashed dark. By the time he had blinked away the blackness threatening to force him unconsciousness, his was already off his feet, laying amongst the foliage. His head and side throbbed from the impact, but couldn't compare with the sharp pain radiating from his wrist that had reached out to stop his fall. It felt...wrong, icy and hot. Taran couldn't bring himself to look at it as he laid in the dirt a moment longer, trying to get his lungs to stop rejecting the air he brought in. The world still sounded very far away when, with a great deal of effort, Taran pulled himself into a sitting position. His wrist smarting with every move he made, an attempt to move his fingers informed him that the fingers on his left hand were no longer capable of that action. In the distance, the sounds of the...somethings...were rattling far too close for comfort. It was only then that Taran saw the what, more like who, he’d run into. Sprawled nearly on top of him was a human figure. A quick scan of the man confirmed that this creature was the second worst thing Taran could have run directly into. A [i]hunter[/i]. It took every ounce of will power to not to something foolish, like set the forest and this human aflame. The rattling sound grew louder, reminding Taran that there were things [i]worst[/i] than hunters in the word. If only just. A part of him was tempted to just leave the human there. After all, a dead hunter was better than a dead witch. But doing so felt the same murder. Hunter or not, he was human. A living person doing what he thought was the right thing. All of the contradicting thoughts shot through his head at a mile a minute, before settling on the only choice he could live with. Taking a deep breath, Taran pulled himself to his feet, keeping his injured wrist pulled close to his chest. “[color=708090]Can you stand?[/color]” he said quickly, offering out his uninjured hand. The adrenaline and urge to run from before returning as the sound of the undead grew closer, muting the pain. That would be the deciding factor. If he was too injured to walk well... neither of them were strong enough to carry the hunter out. It also helped that hunter were [i] good[/i] at killing monsters. If worse came to worse, the hunter could slow the monsters down. [hider=disclaimer] I typed this on my phone...I'm sorry for all the mistakes...I promise I will fix them as soon as I am back on a computer [/hider]