I just had an eye-opener and I want to talk about it. There was a facebook discussion in a group I'm a member of, starting with a meme. This was the text: "I recently found out lots of people don't see a movie in their head when they read a book. They just see words on paper. How sad is that? [i]Aphantasia... a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind's eye and cannot visualize imagery[/i]" [hider=The meme for those who want to see it] [img]https://pokefarm.com/upload/Calle/Aphantasia_meme.jpg[/img] [/hider] In the discussion it soon became apparent there are people lots of people who do see a movie in their head when they read, but many don't. I'm one of the people who can't really visualise what they read. So, I guess I might have this Aphantasia. Even my own characters, I know everything about them, but I get a vague image of them at best. I have a rich imagination though, I've written so many adventures, I just don't see it play out in my mind. Now, I don't agree with the meme calling it 'sad'. I love reading and I never felt I missed anything by not seeing a movie play out. I'm just more focused on the characters, the clever dialogue, the emotions they have and what they do in the story. Maybe I can't see it well, but I still know what is going on. This could explain why my own writing tends to focus more on the characters and the dialogues they have, and less on what goes on around them. I can't visualise it well and therefor I can't describe it well. If someone is in a forest, I will say they are in a forest and not spend a paragraph about how the forest looks, because honestly, I don't know myself. A dear friend of mine once said she loved my concise way of writing, while I love her rich descriptions. But at the same time, long descriptions of scenes don't do anything for me, I can't do anything with it, so when things get too flowery I start to skip over the long descriptions. So, how are your experiences and what are your thoughts about this subject?