[center][h3] Otto von Habsburg [/h3][/center] The "weight" of Archer shouldered onto Otto was impressive, but the Mage kept his composure straight and clean. Otto could only thank himself, for his earlier preparations in gathering Od from the party. Still, as confirmed by Otto's clairvoyance, Archer was no slouch of a Servant. Otto could only smile as Archer left the prepared summoning circle. [b][u]Esfandiyār[/u][/b]. The name was only generally familiar to Otto. He recalled the major points of his great legend, but found himself a little pressed to remember some of the finer points. However, the fact that the familiar in front of him was respectful enough to give his true name, seemed to reinforce the budding Master and Servant relationship. Gradually, Otto's smile began to leave his face. "[b]Very well. It is pleasant to be in a partnership with a spirit of such renown.[/b]" Otto spoke up, placing his hands into his pockets, and slowly making his way to one of the curtained bay windows. "[b]As might be expected, I will refer to you as Archer. For safety of your identity, of course.[/b]" Otto added in, glancing back to the golden Servant. "[b]There is much work for us to set upon, Archer.[/b]" Otto continued, looking back towards the windows, seemingly eager to set up the task at hand, with interest in anymore formalities or niceties. "[b]As a member of the Archer class, there is no doubt to your impressive perception and scouting abilities.[/b]" Otto glanced over the quickly vanishing lights of the leaving vehicles, watching them twist and turn through the mountain roads until obstructed by the tree line. "[b]I wish for you to use your abilities as you seem fit to patrol and scout the local area, and to keep things secure. For us to succeed in the coming War, then the next step of my plan is the most crucial.[/b]" With his final line, Otto pulled tight the curtains of the window, before making his way to the heavy double-set doors to the study. [center][h3] June 29th, 2021 [/h3][/center] Otto was well awake before the sun began to rise, going over the intricate Bounded Field he had constructed across the estate, insuring everything was in it's rightful place for what was to come. Another large party was to be hosted tonight, to gather more Od. The applications for the Od played in Otto's mind continuously. Perhaps the best application would be turning the estate itself into a veritable fortress, allowing Otto and Archer to draw upon a huge reserve, and establishing the estate as a permanent headquarters for Otto. In the days since the summoning, Otto had done his best not to step on the toes of his noble Servant, allowing Archer to leave the estate as far as he wished, and plenty of time to fully acclimate to the world he had been re-birthed into. In truth, Otto had shared scant words with Archer in the few days they had been Master and Servant, besides reports that Otto asked to be made in person. He had not even used his Shared Perception in order to also be privy to the information Archer gathered. After tonight, however, the true work would be set upon them, and there would be no more idly sitting by and simply scouting. It wasn't long before the sun had risen over the local Boston area. Otto had retired to his study after his own patrols, breaking his fast among his neatly stacked tomes and scrolls he had over his desk. Searchingly, Otto glanced over a local paper that his entourage had retrieved for him on his request. While the events and happenings of Boston could not interest Otto any less, Otto was instead looking for any information that may indicate moves being made by a fellow participant of the Grail War. As Otto finished his breakfast, having called for his dishes to be taken, and his fruitless search, he began to gather himself fully for the day. As with every morning at the same time, Otto had asked Archer to the study, in order to give any information or reports that Archer deemed important. Glancing at his watch, Otto confirmed it was time. [b][i]Archer, bring yourself to me.[/i][/b] Otto coaxed forth, using his link to his Servant to contact him. [b][i]Today is the day[/i][/b]. Otto could only hope he was not interrupting Archer in any of his self-assumed duties or patrol routes. As Otto patiently waited for his Servant to answer, his mind could only wander to the night's events. Another party, much like the one before, but this one was less high profile. Ironically, this could mean more guests to harvest from, as no names would be attached to this party, as they had been to the seemingly unrelated one a few days before. Allowing for a much more 'direct' form of approach between political candidates, and their supporters.