Curious about a somewhat odd power: Character who can take an attribute from a mask. Not all masks, has no idea what masks he can engage with. The mask he would start out with, would be a mask of an Oni. When he puts it on, he grows a bit, turns red, etc, and gains great strength. If he were to find a mask that say, was of a Balrog, he would essentially take the form of being, but either gain strength, or control of smoke, or control of fire, or something else. Whatever power he gains, is tied to that mask, so that every time he puts it on, it always grants the same abilities, like if it grants him some fire abilities, it is always locked to fire. He cannot take it off, put it back on, and start using smoke, or strength, etc.| Slightly more limited version would be that this power seems to be a hereditary trait, passed through a blood line, and there's only but a handful of masks that work with the bloodline, all owned by distant relatives.