[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/ralts.gif[/img] [color=00a651]Ralia, Ralts[/color] Level: 14 Status: 100% [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/8a/Spr_5b_165_m.png[/img] [color=f7976a]Ritz, Ledyba[/color] Level 15 Status: FNT [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c2/Spr_5b_415_f.png[/img] [color=f7941d]Lure, Combee[/color] Level 13 Status: 100% [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a5/Spr_5b_015.png[/img] [color=f26522]Del, Beedrill[/color] Level 12 Status: FNT [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/29/Spr_5b_391.png[/img] [color=ed1c24]Zeal, Monferno[/color] Level 14 Status: FNT Held Item: Focus Band [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9d/Spr_5b_152.png[/img] [color=c4df9b]Chikorita, Pip[/color] Level 10 Status: FNT [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 9352P Antidote x1 Great Ball x5 Super Potion x2 Tiny Mushroom x 1 [b]Important Items:[/b] Castle Medal Crystal of Knowledge [b]Badge Collection:[/b] Challenge Badge - Redcoast Town, Hector. Minor League. [/hider] [hr] [color=#d3381c]"Lure!"[/color] Being the ever stubborn self-proclaimed demon lord, Lure wasn't going down without a fight. The bug/flying type stared down Bellawesome, beaten and bruised from the attacks, with the paralyzation hindering her ability to move, she got off one last parting gift towards Bellawesome - and it struck, but it wasn't enough. The Bellawesome recovered quickly, closing the gap between it and her opponent with a flash of movement and a gust of leaf petals. With one last cry, Lure fell to the ground, KO'ed. [color=#d3381c]"Alright..."[/color] Claire was thoroughly pumped up now. Close battles and competitions were what she lived for. Something to get the blood flowing. The redhead recalled Lure to her pokeball. She had done well, she'd need to give the bug a lot of honey later, and see to getting back into some competitions soon. [color=#d3381c]"You know what they say, save the best for last. Ralia! We're not gonna let Our hard work go to waste!"[/color] [color=00a651]"Rrralll!~"[/color] Leaping off of Claire's shoulder, Ralia landed on the ground, eager to get battling herself. Twirling once tapping her feet energetically on the ground, Ralia was obviously eager and ready to go. [color=#d3381c]"Hit 'em with the old one-two puncharoo, Ralia! This is the home stretch girl, we're gonna take home the win!"[/color] [color=00a651]"Rrrrraaaal!~"[/color] With a cry of amusement, Ralia started things off with her double team.