Sophie took really well to her new ‘job’, didn’t she? Inside the food truck, Naoko was hard at work as well, popping open cabinets and fridges with a ferocity becoming of being the only kitchen worked in a popular food truck during lunch rush. Crepes sizzled on low heat while she whipped up another batch of whipped cream. Strawberry prep was already done, thank god, but at this rate, she might have to buy that particular farmer’s stock out completely. When business was good, business was hell, and that didn’t even account for the increase in customer traffic they got ever since word got around that the Winter Palace hired a new, hot Russian girl. [b]“Yup!” [/b]Naoko shouted over the din of her living kitchen, [b]“Discounts for returning and if you bring in new customers too! Super good deal! Crepes n ice cream are up!”[/b] With a rushed flourish, she wrapped the crepes up in compostable recycled paper, slid them over to Sophie, and then gave her forearms seven milliseconds of rest before she launched to the next order, snatching a pinned slip and giving it a once over. Three tuna ice cream sandwiches and a cup of apple sauce chili? Ey, that was totally Danielle and her boss, wasn’t it? She tossed in a venison corndog for the heck of it, imagining just how wonderful it’d be once the shift ends and she could finally do something about her throat. [b]“If they’re a snack, you might as well get their numbers anyways, Sophie,”[/b] the pink-haired woman said, shaking droplets of water off her hand as she switched to the next order. [b]“Wouldn’t mind just letting you borrow mine.”[/b] After all, as long as it was consensual and safe, mana transfer with strangers would totally lighten up Naoko’s own load, even if only slightly.