[quote=@Loco Mofo] My mistake I misread the OP when he said new SW PW. I've seen a few that were better than Last Jedi, if that's what you mean. Problem is everyone wants to put thier own brand on everything, and you can't put any brand on SW except Lucas. It's too iconic and established. So when a few people are trying to do decent grass roots Jedi, Sith, Empire, or Republic characters, looking for a meaningful Star Wars experience, that one kyber-katana wielding ex-Sith Jedi Academy drop-out turned bounty hunter just destroys it all by proxy. And some broken, self-centered, unicorn character build emerges in every RP known to man. [/quote] So other than your pet peeves how was the play? Lucas was one of several young film auteurs (another was a big influence on SW: Spielberg) that represented a changing of the guard in Hollywood as the main studios struggled to adjust to changing demographics (almost like this shit repeats itself in history) and stories/settings a younger audience might care about. So young guns were given chances. All he did was tell old stories in new settings. None of his themes or storytelling was that revolutionary, and in fact much of it owes directly to some of the oldest hero traditions. Keep it simple and direct the hell out of the film was his gameplan. So sure if we're making a SW movie I might worry about "brand", but we're not and we're nerds pretty familiar with storytelling and SW lore so really not that serious, just enjoy the game or don't for whatever reason and enjoy all the OTHER games on the Guild. ezpz