[color=8A0886]”And where are illusions, dreams, and stories displayed?”[/color] Eurysthenes said. Millions of thoughts swirled between them, like a whirlpool of creativity. [I]This one[/i] bathed it's being in this pool to absorb what it could of that which it was offering. [color=8A0886]”Let's think big, for what do small dreams accomplish? Answer me this: what pops to the senses, but is impossible to find? What is corporeal, but prevents movement as well as any cage? What shifts and changes when you pay attention to it? And what, given all of the above, is very real?”[/color] [i]This One[/i] said, as the whirlpool of thoughts grew. K'nell stared blankly at Eurysthenes for a moment and then all at once an image appeared to both gods, floating as a tangible dream between the two. It showed a mighty continent, swirling like a mighty vortex with many moving arms. Limbo was hidden at the center, and the further away from this stable epicenter, the bizarre took place. Mountains and hills shifted like ever changing parts of a puzzle, rivers never made it to the ocean, landmarks appeared and disappeared, even footprints followed no set law, appearing in any direction, anywhere except where they should have. Thoughts were expelled from the visitors mind and made into confusing reality, the very continent shifted like a dream. K'nell stared at the thought between the two, “a cradle.” The image began to shift as Eurysthenes reached in. The Vortex peels upwards, standing vertical, before splitting in the center to make 2. Each slumped from the other, crashing back down and fitting together, moving one another like gears. One vortex boasted The Staircase at the center, the other had Limbo. And while they were physically far from each other, there was a space between them where the hands of the island shifted to create a serene stillness where one might find peace. [color=8A0886]”If ‘a cradle’ is your answer, you are not correct in answering the riddle, but this which we are envisioning is not far from just that,”[/color] [i]This One[/i] said, gazing into the vision which seemed so real. [color=8A0886]”What The Sea Tells Legends of. Swahhitteh.”[/color] K'nell watched the two vortices swirl against each other, their landscapes ever changing and yet the constant movement provided a delicate stability where the arms of the vortices meshed and unmeshed rhythmically. “Swahhitteh…” K'nell repeated, “Tendlepog.” Slowly the vision of the land rose to the sky. The painting of a land of dreams, puzzles and illusions faded away. K'nell turned to Eurysthenes and as he did, he outstretched his hand, letting a small orb of power float away from him and between the two gods. This orb cackled and pulsed with the chaotic whims of creation, threatening at any second to explode into a primordial storm. In turn, [i]This One[/i] reached within itself and found what was needed: a maelstrom of shifting colours, writhing around each other like formless snakes. It had these worming colours come forth from its body and seep into the orb that K’nell had created. Within the orb they tangled and reformed into the dual spiral of this new continent: Swahhitte Tendlepog This writhing spiral of pure creation suddenly clapped and exploded into a myriad of powerful colours. The ocean was torn and whipped into a fury as all faded into a bright white mess. Slowly the salty waves rained back down into the ocean below as a calm rain, but not all the water made it back to the realm of Ashalla. Some collected on the new landmass, an evermoving continent. K’nell and Eurysthenes now stood atop fresh ground, an ever shifting mountain range surrounding them and Limbo. One mountain would move out of the way, and another would take its place with a slow grind. K’nells smile grew at the sight, clearly amused. The God of sleep and the God of puzzles both knew that not all they saw belonged to the realm of physics, but also their own. A land of dreams, puzzles and illusions, all mixed into Galbar stood before them, ready for them to craft. “A new civilization shall thrive here when the time comes,” K’nell declared, the voice echoing off the stone faces with ambition. He turned to Eurysthenes, “one that will give purpose.” [color=8A0886]”In the time between then and now we make this cradle… comfortable,”[/color] Eurysthenes said. The twin islands shifted around each other like gears, throwing waves from the shore. By its very nature, it shifted in and out of focus, and, at times, completely disappeared from view. [color=8A0886]”We have made something beautiful, K’nell,”[/color] [i]This One[/i] said, awestruck. K'nell simply smiled. [hider=Summary] Eury and K'nell make a continent that moves K’nell start: 23 FP, 5 MP Eurysthenes start: 25 FP, 6 MP [b]K’nell [/b] - 12 FP for the new Continent, no discount taken on the dream aspect [b]Eurysthenes [/b] - 12 FP for the new Continent, completing the requirement for the [b]Illusions[/b] Portfolio - 5 MP to unlock the [b]Illusions[/b] Portfolio Illusions port unlocked K’nell end: 10 FP, 5MP Eurysthenes end: 13 FP, 1 MP [center] --- [/center] A new paradise is born! [/hider]