[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/10vXcSL/image.png[/img] [h3]June 20, 2021 8:29pm Rock Island Cove Salt Marsh[/h3][hr][@DrowsyPangolin] [/center] As tempestuous winds began to fill the surrounding area blasting dirt and rock in all directions, a bright silhouette stood within the center of the magic circle. The figure was shining brightly, brighter than the hottest star in the sky. Like a torch held up against the approaching darkness, that radiant being surely stood out. Heroic Sprits were shining examples of humanity, and this one was certainly no exception. A hero of the Heavens, whose status is above that of Man; to Rocco, it's as if he was witnessing one sun rise just as another had continued to set. "[color=red]... So I'm a Saber, then? Hmph.[/color]" As the dust began settle and the ritual began to reach its conclusion, the light produced from this spirit had began to dim. It was than that the appearance of the Servant had been made more clear: an azure-haired youth with striking [color=red]scarlet[/color] eyes. The plates of armor that he wore along with his blue outfit gleamed brilliantly, complimented by the inherent radiance that seemed to emanate from the young man's very being. The Heroic Spirit who stood within the dimming circle had quite the notable appearance, providing a quaint contrast to the forgetful visage that his summoner sported. Resting his arms behind his head and closing his eyes, the Servant had let out a sigh. "[color=red]It would have been better if I had been summoned with my spear, y'know...[/color]" the youth quipped, before opening an eye and grinning slyly, "[color=red] but this sword of mine will do just as well, Master.[/color]" The Saber-class Servant had made his way towards Rocco, extending an arm towards the man, a confident smile painted on his face. "[color=red]Cu Chulainn, Saber... I'm not one for formalities so if you are my Master, let us make this contract official here and get to moving. We've got a war to prepare for, after all.[/color]"