[color=00a651]Matrim[/color] Forest outside Goldencrest With [@ellion] and [@kitty] Matrim slammed to the ground from the sudden impact, giving out a long [color=00a651]“ow…”[/color] as he shook his head. Did he just run into someone? In the middle of the damn forest? [color=00a651][i]Maybe they’re hunters, like murder deer hunters,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=00a651][i]Or did I just run into another undead?[/i][/color] [color=708090]“Can you stand?”[/color] A voice asked from above, making Matrim look up and see a boy, likely the boy he literally ran into, offering his hand. No, not a hunter, nor an undead. There was a girl too, with blazing red hair. Maybe a couple from the town, or having eloped from somewhere else? Maybe the fog chased them out here? [color=00a651]“Yeah...yeah…sorry about that,”[/color] he muttered, taking the boy’s hand to stand up. On his feet, he grabbed his staff and looked over at the two. The boy’s other hand looked damaged, likely done just when the two had collided. [color=00a651]“Oh thank Divines you aren’t those bloody undead…”[/color] He perked up as he heard the sounds of the undead who were incoming. [color=00a651]“Although as much as I want to introduce you two to my new friends, now’s not the best time.”[/color] The two didn’t seem too capable of fighting, and even he had a problem fighting the undead. Running was certainly the answer right now. [color=00a651]“The undead came with the fog, so we should probably leave it,”[/color] he explained quickly. Without even realizing it, he was trying to make sure they were all getting out alive. The moment caught him up in saving others, [i]actually[/i] trying to save others for once. [color=00a651]“Come on!”[/color] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=00aeef]Aromull[/color] Witches Paradise Annoying Flint [@aer] with questions The man had recovered far faster than Aromull originally expected, and did not seem in very much pain, though the breaking of the table almost caused another injury. Luckily, the man had not impacted the chair and rather hit his head onto the woman’s lap. The man was quickly pulled off by another hunter, but not before the man mentioned the word [i]wendigos[/i]. That certainly perked up Aromull, intrigued by yet another creature that had eluded him over the years. [color=00aeef][i]Not just witches here, oh how delightful![/i][/color] [color=00aeef]“Wendigos?”[/color] Aromull asked to confirm. [color=00aeef]“I did not know such creatures even existed here. You did same wendigos plurally right? How many did you see? They hunt in packs correct?”[/color] He opened his book and flipped pages hurriedly, getting to a small section on wendigos. [color=00aeef]“Fire is their weakness, or is that just rumors?”[/color]