Jett was just starting to think he’d found another nice, normal girl to talk to at this party, when Nina suddenly went off about her excitement to meet him. He wasn’t really all that surprised, since this was how most people treated him when he told them his name—unless they had already recognized his face to begin with—but he was a little disappointed to find out that she was just another eccentric fan. He had been hoping that the people on the show would have a little more self-control than this, even when she they did recognize him. Although, to be fair, Nina looked like she’d had [i]a lot[/i] to drink that night. Maybe she was normally more contained than this, but the alcohol had taken away her filter? He wanted to believe it. After all, despite the crazy energy, she was an attractive woman, and she seemed like a fun person to be around. But, then again, maybe that was just the alcohol in [i]his[/i] system talking. When Nina tried to rope Anna into her wild fangirling, Jett was mildly entertained by the stark contrast between their reactions. It was interesting to see the two side by side: Anna with her unwavering apathy towards celebrities and Nina with her bubbly enthusiasm about meeting her idols. However, the moment quickly passed when Nina whirled on him again to talk about his music, leaving Anna out of the conversation completely. She spoke rapidly as she launched into a cascade of compliments about his work, making it hard for his half-drunk mind to keep up. Still, he tried his best to accommodate the excitable woman and answer as many of her questions as he could, because even though she was gushing over him, he wanted to give her a chance. Who knew? Maybe she was a lovely person when she was sober. He didn’t want to turn her away when he still knew so little about her. Jett glanced up when he caught sight of Anna gesturing at him and gave her a nod of acknowledgement. Part of him wanted to keep talking to her, since he found her to be such an interesting person, but he had all summer to get to know her better. He could spend some time with other people for the rest of tonight. Turning back to Nina, he decided to try to shift the conversation away from himself, so he could find out a little more about who he was talking to. “I don’t think there’s anything left for you to learn about me,” he said with a laugh when there was a break in her endless speech. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself instead?” Nina blushed and brought a hand to her face, “Ugh, sorry. I must have been rambling, huh? It’s hard not to when I’m standing in front of a music [i]legend[/i].” “Well, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say legend,” Jett shrugged. “I think that title’s reserved for people like Elvis or The Beatles.” “You’re more famous than anyone else I’ve ever met,” Nina asserted with that bright smile of hers. “Alright, touché,” Jett grinned. Now that the bubbly girl had calmed down a bit, he was starting to think he’d misjudged her, and he was glad he’d stuck around to give her another chance. He looked her over with new interest as he asked, “So, what brings you to this little show?” “Oh, so many things,” Nina shook her head, swaying a bit on her feet as she took another sip at the drink in her hand. “Meeting celebrities, living in a millionaire’s house, getting that [i]fat[/i] paycheck… I’m a barista from Hudson Valley, so this was like winning the freakin’ lottery.” “You’re from New York?” Jett raised a brow in surprise and pointed at himself. “Long Island, but I’m living in Manhattan now.” “No way,” Nina beamed. “We’re so close. To think I could have been visiting you all this time!” “Oh, God. I’m glad you didn’t,” Jett laughed. “I don’t like it when strangers come to my place.” “Well, then let’s make it so I’m not a stranger.” “Damn,” Jett whistled. “That was smooth.” He had [i]definitely[/i] underestimated this girl. It had been a long time since a woman had flirted with him so casually, and he hadn’t expected something like that to come from one who was so drunk, she could barely keep herself upright. “Alright, Nina,” he chuckled. “You have my attention. Tell me a little more about yourself.”