[hider=Georgie Fielders][center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190207/699c7fb8eaf4f5a568a061a8170efb48.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/222b0284d0792ae8c898d9dd4ee7d484/tumblr_nwsbcw96qT1tlmbsuo3_250.gif[/img][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/273036010/original.gif[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/bdb65eb90b8385c61fe05a6f0278a2a0/tumblr_ow8ru4Vept1usw302o8_250.gif[/img][/center] [center][color=slateblue][sub] FC: Bridget Satterlee [/sub][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [center][color=slateblue][i][b] Oh Now I don't hardly know her But I think I could love her Crimson and clover Ah I wish she'd come walking over Now I've been waiting to show her Crimson and clover Over and over [/b][/i][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue][i] Full Name [/i][/color] [indent] Georgia Zara Fielders [/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Nickames[/i][/color] [indent]Georgie, Z[/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Age[/i][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Gender[/i][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Sexuality[/i][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Relationship Status[/i][/color] [indent]...[/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Label[/i][/color] [indent]The Manic Pixie Photography Geek[/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NiftyImperfectAlaskanhusky-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue][i]Appearance Details[/i][/color] [list][*][b]Hair: [/b] Dark brown with blonde ends | Wavy | Loose [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Hazel with green specks [*][b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Petite, yet she sometimes manages to tower over people [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Rugged Hipster Chic | Flannels and wooly jackets [*][b]Makeup Wise:[/b] Very quickly done makeup (eyeliner and mascara), signature slash of matte red/brown lipstick [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] Small white scar line by her ankle when she had scraped it against a sharp shell as a child. [/list] [color=slateblue][i]Personality Traits[/i][/color] [indent][b]Positives[/b] [list][color=slateblue] △ [/color] Fun loving [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Spontaneous [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Loyal to her friends and family. She loves them to death! [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Creative [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Empathetic [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Has a very gentle, quiet side sometimes [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Great comedic sense [color=slateblue] △ [/color] Just fun to be around[/list] [b] Negatives [/b] [list] [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] Does things without thinking them through [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] She often expects a perfect relationship, with her friends, with her family and with anyone she shares a strong bond with. [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] Her quiet side often shows up at the worst of times [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] She does want a relationship but always doubts her ability to hold them down (refer to aforementioned point) [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] Doesn't know what she wants [color=slateblue] ▼ [/color] She's also crazy judgemental sometime and her moral code gets her in trouble [/list] Georgie is almost exactly what her label defines her as: some manic pixie dream girl. She's exciting to be with and sees the bright side in life, almost always. If there's something out there with a risk factor and the guarantee of an exciting time you'd find her there first. She's a refreshing breeze of air to the people she's with and often unlucky onlookers get dragged into her antics. At the same time she's quite kind and feels very deeply what others feel, her bonds with her friends and family especially deep to her because she values the relationships she has a lot. And sometimes she's completely the opposite of what she seems to be, turning into a very quiet and almost self conscious person when faced with a challenge or bad thoughts. A kind of coping mechanism, she notices this quiet side as a small peeling off of the fun loving mask she has on top and a small peek into the person she is underneath. [/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/4ae0185879ead0cb43eced02ea0ee1446a815b54/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4c36355648794f4f6b39354459673d3d2d3630303034323435392e313533663565666138386330336330613730303936363838393235392e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue][i]Upbringing Synopsis[/i][/color] [indent] Albert and Melissa met at Hills College as students and as of predicted in age old families of wealth and tradition, their parents set them up together as the next power couple to be. They dated on and off for several months as they initially weren't too attracted to each other but after graduation they become closer as their work paths crossed and fell in love, for real this time. A couple of years later and they'd given birth to two handsome boys and their precious daughter. On the outside they were an attractive family, filled with warmth and all kinds of sickly sweet family stuff and that was true...to an extent. Georgie grew up as their prized only daughter, and she was allowed to pursue whatever path she wanted (as much as her mother longed for her daughter to enter a modelling career). Her twin brothers were your stereotypical teenage boys but loved their little sister dearly and would often find themselves bending to her will most of the time. Georgie never felt like her family was distant, not like her friend's families were but at the same time she doesn't feel like she can tell her family about everything. While not being totally crazy, her parents were a tiny bit "off". Her dad (a well known actor) always flits about the upper class social circles and while giving off genuinity, never really shows people how he really is like inside. Hell, she doesn't even think she's seen that side of him before and her mom, the CEO of a modelling agency, seems to get more and more distant as she is pulled into work and the kids grow up. Weekends where the family would watch football or movies together never really feel the same to Georgie now as they did when she was a kid. Her brothers are away at college and their empty spots on the couch remind her how much she missed them meddling about in her business and as for her parents, well, they were them and dealing with various personal problems. But hey, she had photography to fill the gap and a lifetime of experiences to grasp at. Who cares about their family, anyway? People would think she was soft. [/indent] [color=slateblue][i]Family[/i][/color] [indent][b]Albert (Bert) Fielders[/b] | Actor | Dad [b]Melissa Rothshold-Fielders [/b]| CEO of "Rothshold Modelling Agency" | Mom [b]Reginald (Reggie) Fielders [/b] | University student at Hills College | Older brother (twin) [b]Reagan (Roggie) Fielders [/b]| University student at Hills College | Older brother (twin) [/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/53huhX3.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue][i]Misc[/i].[/color] [indent] * Face claim: Bridget Satterlee * Color code: slateblue * She's head of the Photography Club * She posts her work online often on her blog which while not altogether popular, still has an audience * Old image [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/2f/4e/0f2f4e42ba9a788a82f58b51fec23c90.jpg]link[/url] * [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/7T2J6OPRjBZ5jC2yhy/giphy.gif]Collage[/url] [/indent][/hider] [hider=Georgie's Relationships] [center][color=#DC8B9F][h2]🅕🅛🅘🅡🅣🅐🅣🅘🅞🅝🅢[/h2][/color][sub][h3][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color][color=#c0b6b9]▔[/color][color=#c1aeb3]▔[/color][color=#c2a5ac]▔[/color][color=#c29da6]▔[/color][color=#c394a0]▔[/color][color=#c48c9a]▔[/color][color=#c58393]▔[/color][color=#c67b8d]▔[/color][color=#c77287]▔[/color][color=#c76a81]▔[/color][color=#c8617a]▔[/color] [sup][color=#ca506e]♡[/color][/sup] [color=#c8617a]▔[/color][color=#c76a81]▔[/color][color=#c77287]▔[/color][color=#c67b8d]▔[/color][color=#c58393]▔[/color][color=#c48c9a]▔[/color][color=#c394a0]▔[/color][color=#c29da6]▔[/color][color=#c2a5ac]▔[/color][color=#c1aeb3]▔[/color][color=#c0b6b9]▔[/color][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color] [/h3][/sub][h3][sup]𝚛 𝚘 𝚖 𝚊 𝚗 𝚌 𝚎 & 𝚊 𝚝 𝚝 𝚛 𝚊 𝚌 𝚝 𝚒 𝚘 𝚗[/sup][/h3][/center] [center][color=FFF68F][h2]🅐🅣🅣🅐🅒🅗🅜🅔🅝🅣🅢[/h2][/color][sub][h3][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color][color=#c4c1b0]▔[/color][color=#c9c3a2]▔[/color][color=#cec593]▔[/color][color=#d3c684]▔[/color][color=#d8c876]▔[/color][color=#ddca67]▔[/color][color=#e1cc58]▔[/color][color=#e6ce49]▔[/color][color=#ebd03b]▔[/color][color=#f0d12c]▔[/color][color=#f5d31d]▔[/color] [sup][color=#ffd700]☀[/color][/sup] [color=#f5d31d]▔[/color][color=#f0d12c]▔[/color][color=#ebd03b]▔[/color][color=#e6ce49]▔[/color][color=#e1cc58]▔[/color][color=#ddca67]▔[/color][color=#d8c876]▔[/color][color=#d3c684]▔[/color][color=#cec593]▔[/color][color=#c9c3a2]▔[/color][color=#c4c1b0]▔[/color][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color] [/h3][/sub][h3][sup]𝚏 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚗 𝚍 𝚜 𝚑 𝚒 𝚙 𝚜 & 𝚏 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚗 𝚍 𝚕 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜[/sup][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nwuMocV.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=36506B]Max Wallenberg[/color] || [color=DC8B9F][i]maybe a little itty bitty crush[/i][/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] A quick adventure out to the lake with a jockishly cute boy and Georgie thinks she's developed the smallest crush, but no, Max Wallenberg has broken too many hearts already for Georgie to ever really consider dating him...or will she? [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Max? Oh...I...Well, he's a nice guy. Really nice eyes, and hair, and well when he took his shirt off to swim in the lake...wooh!"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray]Gavin Lockwood[/color] || [color=FFF68F]best friend extrodinaire[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Georgie absolutely loves Gavin to death. They have the same artistic interests and really do seem to get on like a house on fire. He's kind and funny and they have the best times together: as two people so alike normally do. Plus, he was the reason why she met Sawyer and for that she [i]was[/i] very grateful. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Gavin is an angel. He gives the best hugs and is so funny and positive all the time. If I could make anyone my best man/woman/bridesmaid/maid of honor at my nonexistent wedding it would be him. Being with Gavin is like being with a rainbow, he's iridescent."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=#FFD800]Mackenzie Davenport[/color] || [color=FFF68F]partner in crime[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Mackenzie and Georgie met through their dads, who had both played a part in a TV show before Mac came to America. Of course, they were introduced to each other and became friends and surprisingly enough became quite close due to their daring personalities [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I love Mac! She's absolutely the best and someone I can go on so many adventures with. She can be the very best partner in crime and a great friend to lash out and do something crazy."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=CCC6EA]Carter Newton Jr.[/color] || [color=FFF68F]a possible friend[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie and Carter were in the same class but never really talked. After a kind of awkward lunch of the tastiest empanadas that Georgie has ever had and the drive to the Halloween party Georgie feels that Carter might prove to be a nice friend to her, if she ever really talks to him again sometime. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Carter's a kind person, and he's funny too! His mom's empanadas are the best, remind me to ask him for the recipe again. Somedays I wish I could ask to take a photo of him, not creepily or anything, but he's just so photoshoot worthy, you know?"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=ffc0cb]Stella Lambert[/color] || [color=FFF68F]a ray of sunshine[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie and Stella have been friends and Georgie has always appreciated having someone else bright and cheerful around. Her enthusiasm has always managed to cheer Georgie up, which G is very grateful for. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Stells is a great person and anyone would be lucky to know her. Her positivity is always through the roof and we should all be happy for that"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=E0633C]Beatrice Endive[/color] || [color=FFF68F]knightress to the rescue[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Bea and Georgie have a strong friendship, one in which devoid of, Georgie would be entirely devastated. Bea has always come to Georgie's rescue and Georgie knows that without her Georgie's life would be an absolute mess. Bea is always there to give her the advice she needs and is always both simultaneously a calm presence as she is an exciting and fun one. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I love that girl! She's the best human ever, sorry Ansel Adams. Bea is always there when you need her and she's literally the best."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=C9FFE5]Nicole Milano[/color] || [color=FFF68F]cheerleader[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Georgie absolutely loves Nicole. She's a great person to be around and they get along like a house on fire practically. Both of them have sunny dispositions and that's probably why they are friends. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Nicole is a great cheerleader and an even greater person."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=76ff7a]Chrissie McCoy[/color] || [color=FFF68F]star of the show[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Chrissie poses for Georgie's photos quite often and they talk when they can. She's an absolute beautiful model and has always managed to hit all the marks that Georgie has for her. Plus, they're both mutual friends with Stella so honestly nothing can go wrong with this sunny relationship. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Chrissie's a star. She's so talented and she's such a nice person too. It's crazy how someone can have it all!"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][color=A0DB8E][h2]🅐🅢🅢🅞🅒🅘🅐🅣🅔🅢[/h2][/color][sub][h3][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color][color=#b9bdb9]▔[/color][color=#b3bcb3]▔[/color][color=#adbaad]▔[/color][color=#a8b9a6]▔[/color][color=#a2b7a0]▔[/color][color=#9cb59a]▔[/color][color=#96b494]▔[/color][color=#90b28e]▔[/color][color=#8ab088]▔[/color][color=#85af81]▔[/color][color=#7fad7b]▔[/color] [sup][color=#73aa6f]☮[/color][/sup] [color=#7fad7b]▔[/color][color=#85af81]▔[/color][color=#8ab088]▔[/color][color=#90b28e]▔[/color][color=#96b494]▔[/color][color=#9cb59a]▔[/color][color=#a2b7a0]▔[/color][color=#a8b9a6]▔[/color][color=#adbaad]▔[/color][color=#b3bcb3]▔[/color][color=#b9bdb9]▔[/color][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color] [/h3][/sub][h3][sup]𝚊 𝚌 𝚚 𝚞 𝚊 𝚒 𝚗 𝚝 𝚊 𝚗 𝚌 𝚎 𝚜 & 𝚞 𝚗 𝚔 𝚗 𝚘 𝚠 𝚗 𝚜[/sup][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q3eN7Gc.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=D11717]Santiago Fernandez[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]a fiery unknown[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]She's passed him sometimes in the hall but all she really hears about are his escapades. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"He's [i]hot[/i] but dating him is asking for trouble, April's got guts man"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=A52A2A]Marisol Casitillo[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]sk4ter girl[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie admires her for her braveness but has never spoken to her, strictly speaking, she is kind of nervous about approaching her. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"She's so cool, if only I could be on that level...and here I go, talking like a middle schooler again"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=008080]Kavi Salvador[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]king of pomp[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie's barely seen them around because they don't run in the same circles but she's heard whispers of his name, as she is sure he has heard of her. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"All I know is he has a [i]great[/i] house"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=BF225D]Ariana Mossos[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]hot girl kellie[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie doesn't really know her but something about this girl irks her a tiny bit...she reminds her of a certain Kellie [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"She's hot and surprisingly it kinda reminds me of someone I'd rather not talk about."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=ff8c00]Sonny Drake[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]resident layback dude[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie has closely followed the whole Marisol and Sonny situation but she barely knows Sonny himself. All she knows is that he's different than your typical cliche and that in itself is interesting. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Sonny's pretty cool, I guess."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=35996B]Archer Diedrikson[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]artistic ally[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]She has a high regard for those also following in their passions for art, with Archer being one of those she admires. She's seen him scribbling away a lot and one day. she's vowed to ask him to read some of his stuff. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I'm sure what he writes is beautiful, if only I could read it! Ugh!"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=CF5685]Julie Macmillan[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]beautiful![/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Beautiful is the only term that Georgie can use to describe Julie. Georgie's always wanted to photograph her but she thinks that Julie would not appreciate the thought. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"She's gorgeous! If only I had that hair. I'd love to have a glass of champagne with her sometime."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=851309]Kavan Varma[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]bass boi[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Georgie's kind of a fan of Kaven and his bass, to be honest. She listens to him play quite a bit and is slightly star struck every time she passes him in the halls, I mean...who couldn't be? She loves his music and hopes she has the same level of talent that he does for certain things. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Out of all of his songs that's he's played with his band I would say that ([i]she goes on to blabber almost incoherently about his music[/i]) and yeah, that's why I believe that rock music has changed, especially in this decade."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=D2652C]Chanel Martin[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]diva fever[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Georgie has always admired her from afar, and man would she like to have Chanel help her dress her models, or be one. Too bad though, Georgie is always too intimidated by her to ask her anything. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Chanel is...a glorious specimen of a person. That's all."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=98AC90]Guy Lowell[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]who?[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Literally Georgie barely has any idea who he is? But she swears she has heard his voice like once...on the debate team...somewhere. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I like his name? If that counts?"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=ec008c]April Foster[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]vroom vroom[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Of course, Georgie's heard of April but it's not like they ever interact. April is too much PB royalty to ever talk to in Georgie's opinion. However, Georgie's always wanted to ride her bike...it's on her bucket list. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I'd do anything to ride that motorcycle, literally anything. Well not everything but you get my drift. Haha...drift."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=C3C3C3]Jasper Fray[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]hmmm[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]She's seen him around and to be honest, Georgie is kind of scared of him. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Err, I think we're just super different so I don't really get to talk to him"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=00EDDD]Ariel Grey[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]fellow blog person[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie's stumbled over Ariel's blog a few times and she always likes what she sees there. It's great to be able to take something you like and share it with the world and that's exactly what Ariel is doing. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"She has a hella cool blog and her Instagram page is great. Of course, she has things to say and it's great that she's using the blogging platform as well! "[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=7ea7d8]Sunshine Hollingsworth[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]future pop star[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie has heard her sing off handedly sometimes and has always found it enchanting, but other than the occasional snatches of song that Georgie hears, they barely interact [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"That girl can sing! She has an amazing voice, so it's a shame I don't know her that well."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=E81B00]Shawna Josi[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]ticking time bomb[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie's not seen Shawna, but she's heard of her. Something about Shawna reminds Georgie of herself, and she doesn't like it one bit. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Heard she used to be perfect...and now she's not, really. Throws good keggers though."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent][color=FFF700]Ryland Aspen[/color] || [color=A0DB8E]err...do I know him?[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent]Georgie's never seen him around so she doesn't have any thoughts on him just yet, other than hearing that he's pretty good at all of the art forms. [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"Seems like a cool guy, hopefully he's into photography too. I know, I know...but we always need new recruits for the photography club and he looks artsy!"[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][color=#F6546A][h2]🅞🅑🅢🅣🅡🅤🅒🅣🅘🅞🅝🅢[/h2][/color][sub][h3][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color][color=#c0b0b0]▔[/color][color=#c1a2a2]▔[/color][color=#c29393]▔[/color][color=#c38484]▔[/color][color=#c47676]▔[/color][color=#c56767]▔[/color][color=#c65858]▔[/color][color=#c74949]▔[/color][color=#c83b3b]▔[/color][color=#c92c2c]▔[/color][color=#ca1d1d]▔[/color] [sup][color=#cc0000]✖[/color][/sup] [color=#ca1d1d]▔[/color][color=#c92c2c]▔[/color][color=#c83b3b]▔[/color][color=#c74949]▔[/color][color=#c65858]▔[/color][color=#c56767]▔[/color][color=#c47676]▔[/color][color=#c38484]▔[/color][color=#c29393]▔[/color][color=#c1a2a2]▔[/color][color=#c0b0b0]▔[/color][color=#bfbfbf]▔[/color] [/h3][/sub][h3][sup]𝚊 𝚍 𝚟 𝚎 𝚛 𝚜 𝚊 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 & 𝚢 𝚎 𝚜 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 𝚍 𝚊 𝚢 𝚜[/sup][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8pjnpVL.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=53F0FF]Jack Goff[/color] || [color=F6546A]annoying twat[/color] [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] Georgie doesn't exactly like Jack. They're both too different and at the same time, they stand for the same things. They argue a lot and she thinks he's the most annoying human being on earth. Like for god's sake, how can he even open his mouth without being slapped about the head by a rational human being? [indent]↳ [sub][color=slateblue]"I hate that arse. My god, and now he's made me turn British. He always thinks he's right, all the bloody time and I just can't stand it. Like does he actually have the ability to back off sometime? Is that possible for him? I certainly don't think so."[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=Surprise!] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rdn8jRV.jpg[/img] [/hider]