Not far from where the future Demon King of [World Name] would be enjoying her breakfast, a lone figure would open his eyes in a field of grass. His eyes were devoid of any enthusiasm or passion as he pushed himself up onto his feet, taking a look at the armor and weapons he had spawned into this world with. [color=0072bc]"Sword."[/color] He swung the weapon at the air, the blade whistling as it cut through nothing and doing no damage to anything around it. [color=0072bc]"Non-magical... Shield."[/color] He battered the front of the shield with the blunt end of his sword, the weapons ringing from the impact but doing nothing else spectacular or out of the ordinary. [color=0072bc]"Also non-magical... Armor."[/color] The hero inspected his clothing and shrugged with disinterest. [color=0072bc]"Starter gear."[/color] Finally, he lifted his hand and concentrated, pointing his palm at the nearby treeline. [color=0072bc]"No powers either."[/color] With the inspection finished, he let out a bored sigh. [color=0072bc]"At least I have clothes this time and not a useless smartphone."[/color] Dragging his feet as he lazily walked across the field, the hero would pass the treeline and head into the forest, wondering to himself who would be the first living being he'd see. A damsel in distress? Some starving wolves? A useless goddess? Maybe all three. That would probably be the twelfth time now, if that were the case. Instead though, the cursed man would see Charlotte and overhear the conversation she was having with herself. Another bored sigh would escape his lips as he considered walking in the other direction. [color=0072bc]"Let's just get this over with."[/color] Charlotte would hear the sound of metal clicking into place as the hero she had been waiting for seemed to be setting up a portable table right here in the middle of the forest. Upon the table were pens, staplers, and several piles of paperwork that all had been neatly set up to be presentable and pleasing to the eye. [color=0072bc]"My name is Tristan Mallory and today I will be your world's hero who shall defeat whatever evil is currently threatening it. Please sign here,"[/color] he told the demoness, holding out an application for her to fill out. [color=0072bc]"Don't bother giving me your name, I won't bother to remember it. Just tell me your sex, race, age, where you see yourself in five years, and any special abilities you may have."[/color] As he waited for the demoness to give her answer, a ball of flame seemed to somehow track the woman down like a heat-seeking missile. Tristan could see it approaching, but made no effort to try to dodge or block the attack, instead watching with that same neutral expression of his as the spell found its target. Once the flames of the explosion died down, the smoke clearing out from the two's vision, Charlotte would see the immediate area turned black from C-3's fastball special. All except the patch of grass the hero sat at. It stood pristine and untouched, as if unaware of the destruction surrounding him. [color=0072bc]If your form was turned to ash, please take another from the desk."[/color]